Chapter 1

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Sabrina's POV
I was finally back home when I got a call from a friend I had made while auditioning for this new Disney Channel show Girl Meets World. I answered.
Hey Sab!
What's up?
Did you get a part?
I didn't get a call.
Oh...well i'll let you get back to your family.
Rowan hung up.
Right after she hung up I got an email.
It read:
Hello Ms.Carpenter
We personally loved your audition and think you would make a wonderful Maya Hart! We'll see you in a week!- Micheal Jacobs
I froze. Dropped my phone and ran to where my mom and sisters were."WE'RE MOVING TO L.A!" I screamed and hugged my sister.
~1 Week Later~
We had finally finished unpacking our new house. I packed my bag and me and Sarah ran over to Rowan's house down the street. Rowan was having a sleepover and invited her friends and the other cast members so I could meet them. She had told me that Corey, Peyton M, Peyton C, Bradley, Jake, Piper, Austin, and G would be there. I was so excited. Me and Sarah knocked.
Minutes later Rowan answered.
"SAB!SARAH!" She squeled excitedly.
"Hey!" Sarah smiled and we walked in.
Everyone introduced themselves and they all sat in a circle on the floor.
Wow Bradley's even cuter in person I thought
I sat directly across from Bradley then Peyton C spoke up
"We should play truth or dare!"
Everyone nodded and Peyton C started
"Jake, Truth or Dare"
"Dare" He said.
"I dare you to go outside and sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs"
Jake go up and went outside, everyone followed, he scream sang Take Me To Church.
He got done and we went inside
I see Rowan staring at something, I follow her eyes and see what or should I say who she was staring at, Peyton M.
Then it turns out I wasn't paying attention and everone was trying to get me to pay attention.
"Truth or Dare" I hear Jake say
"Do you think anyone in the group is cute" He asks I feel my cheeks get red
"Yes" After that everyone trys to find out who, then we get back to the game
I see Rowan not paying attention still
"Rowan Truth or Dare" I repeat like 10 times until she finally hears me
I smile and look at Peyton M
"I dare you to go into the Closet with Peyton M until someone gets you out" Rowan's eyes widen and she looks at Peyton M and he is smiling
Does he like her? After a minute Peyton stands up and so does Rowan and they go to the closet, we shut it and lock it.

How it all startedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora