The approaching car was a maroon Aurus Senat S600, a 4.4 litre V8 engine armoured to the teeth with ballistic-grade steel and bulletproof glass. It was a sine qua non for the prestigious who needed protection, but in Taehyung's humble opinion, a tad over precautious this evening.

A tinted window rolled down as the new arrival slowed to a stop, revealing a beige interior and an Eastern European with a familiarly oval face.

Sharp cheekbones, a stubby nose, and puffy lips. A tall forehead that faded into a receding hairline of slate grey and white.

It was not the Alexander Volkov he'd once known, but the replica before him was just as vigilant as he analysed Taehyung like a predator.

'Fascinating,' Alexander murmured in his native tongue while surveying his costly clothing and immaculate face.

'What is?' Taehyung's Russian was equally rich and lengthened in tone.

'So very much like your father, and yet...' Alexander's wintry, blue eyes toured every inch of his figure, 'nothing alike.'

My father? Taehyung meditated as he reclined his head.

The Kim Dongjin who'd raised him had never coordinated with the Russians. He was the first to extend the family network onto international soil. Had his doppelgänger's patriarch liaised with Mr. Volkov all those years back?

'You're right,' Taehyung replied, 'my father and I are nothing alike.'

I'm much worse.

The heavy rumble of the engine ground to a shuddering halt, jarring Taehyung's inquisitive thoughts and forcing him to retreat when Alexander climbed out of the car.

The Russian was at least twenty-five years older, his imposing figure towering four inches above his head and his broad stature dwarfing him in comparison. But like most autocrats, he did nothing to intimidate Taehyung.

'So, you're the guy that scared ten shades of shit out of my PA,' Alexander accused as he guardedly glanced along the length of his nose. 'I was looking for a reason to fire the incompetent slut. Thanks to you, she resigned without warning and fled the country with her family last week.'

'Ah, yes. Tanya, wasn't it?' Taehyung enquired, recalling the rattled woman who'd refused to patch him through to her boss. There was nothing a good old threat to one's loved ones couldn't solve. 'What was her boy's name again? Sasha?'


'That's the one,' Taehyung clicked his fingers with a smug grin. 'I'm sure it's his birthday today. Shame he had to miss out on that baseball game with his papa.'

Alexander chuckled dryly, an intrigued sparkle alighting his eyes as he pocketed his hands and leaned casually against his car. 'How did you do it?'

'Call it second nature.'

'I don't think so,' Alexander rebutted, 'I've had my eye on you for years. The useless bum whose only accomplishment was embezzling a measly amount from Park Jimin. Your father would be turning in his grave.'

'Imaginably,' Taehyung cockily licked his lips, undeterred by his misguided discredit, 'but I captivated you enough to fly halfway across the world.'

'Don't flatter yourself, kid. I have other business in Seoul. You're merely a passing curiosity.' Spurts of condensation left Alexander's mouth as he humorously judged Taehyung with his eyes. 'I'm dying to know why you think I'd be interested in striking a deal with the sap who fled to Busan.'

The sap who fled to Busan?

How extraordinarily disrespectful. He'd never fled anywhere in his life.

When Worlds Collide | PJM - KTH ✓ (Hahm Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now