Chapter 70 Lake Verity

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Ash, Serena, Volo, and Irida are now at the Obsidian Fieldlands, as they walk towards Lake Verity to find the Legendary Pokemon: Mesprit. Ash says, "Still, I can't believe we are going to make a Red Chain..."

"Sounds like you are not fond of doing this..." Serena asks with concern.

"That was what Team Galactic tried to do...use the chains to bind Dialga and Palkia, so that he can destroy the whole universe to create a new one." Ash says.

"Okay, now that is terrifying." Serena says.

After arriving at Lake Verity, Volo says, "They say this lake actually used to be a volcano. Then it erupted, leaving a huge crater that filled with water. And so Lake Verity was born."

"I know, it is protected by a Pokemon called Mesprit." Ash says. "It was when Mesprit took flight that people first learned the joys and sorrows of living. Or that's how the old tales go, anyway."

Just then, the Arc Phone beeps, and then it starts to glow, making an entrance in the middle of the lake. Volo is surprised and he says, "Th-that cave - it just...appeared from nowhere! Is that the Arc Phone the professor was going on about?"

"What surprises wait within, I wonder..." Irida says.

"Mistress Cogita seemed quite intent that you would have to prove yourself to all three of the Pokemon that guard these lakes...This challenge was never the faint of the heart." Volo says.

Volo decides to stand on guard outside of the cave while Ash, Serena, and Irida enter the cave, Irida mutters, "The air feels somehow tense in here..."

"I agree. It is like something is waiting for us..." Serena says, and then a Dragon Pulse fires at them and they have to quickly dodge the attack. "What the..."

They find that in the middle of the lake, an Alpha Hisuian Goodra stands in front of them, and it seems menacing. Ash says, "Let me guess, we were treated as an intruder and this Goodra tries to chase us out?"

"You and your Pokemon quelled Hisui's nobles. You can handle any battle, Ash and Serena." Irida says.

Ash has Lucario out to battle the Goodra, and even though Goodra uses Shelter to raise its defense and evasiveness, Lucario manages to use Close Combat on the Pokemon to knock it out. Ash also realizes that they can just capture the Pokemon, so they throw the Poke Ball to capture the Alpha Pokemon.

After that's done, Irida says, "It's curious, but when I watch you and your Pokemon battle...I feel as if there's no obstacle that can't be overcome if people and Pokemon work together. Now, let's see about the Pokemon of the lake..."

And much to their surprise, Mespirt pops in front of them. Serena says, "So that's Mespirit?"

"Yeah." Ash says.

"Good to see you again...Ash...I'm glad to hear you forgive Dawn for what she did..." Mesprit says, causing them to widen their eyes. Ash asks, "Wait, you can use Telepathy?"

"I'm a Psychic-type after all." Mesprit says. "Your emotions...Share them with me..."

"What do you mean by that?" Serena asks in confusion.

Irida, being the only one who can't hear them, mutters, "I can only imagine how it must feel to speak directly with a Pokemon like that."

"When you fell to this land, what stirred in your heart?" Mesprit asks.

Ash and Serena realize that Mesprit wants to know about their emotions, and Ash decides to say, "I was surprised since I never knew we would get another chance to live after that happened."

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