Chapter 35 Truth Reveals

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The next day, Ash and Serena are now meeting up with Adaman as they hear a voice, "Mornin' sleepyheads!"

The three of them turn around and see Arezu with an old lady. Adaman asks, "Arezu? What are you doing here?"

"You'll never guess what! Adaman! I'm gonna start working at the hairdresser's shop! Now you'll be able to try out my own original hairstyles! Isn't that super exciting?"

"But what about your duty as Lilligant's Warden?" Serena asks.

"Oh, I'm still gonna be Lilligant's warden and all. I'll be burnin' the candle at both ends, but I can make it work - don't you worry!" Arezu says.

"If you're fine then I won't mind you doing this, Arezu." Adaman says to his subordinate warden.

"Anyway, come on over to the hairdresser's when you can, Ash, Serena, and even Adaman." Arezu says. "I'll give you a killer hairstyle."

"No thank you." Adaman says, "I think I'll pass that."

"I am pleased that you have found a worthy successor for your establishment, Edith." Just then, Kamado appears in front of them, and Arezu is surprised. "M-Mr. Kamado, about that whole Ursaluna situation..."

"If you are to work here in Jubilife Village, you are family to us, no matter who you are or where you're from. Welcome, Arezu." Kamado says.

"And you two, Ash and Serena. You will come with me to Prelude Beach!" Kamado suddenly says the last three words with a roar, causing Ash and Serena to flinch. Adaman says, "Don't worry, you do what you must, I'll wait for you two here."

Ash and Serena nod as they follow Kamado to the beach, only to see a lot of people entering the beach by boats and ships. "These people have just arrived here in Hisui. They will live together with us in Jubilife Village. When we of the Galaxy Team first arrived in this land, we came ashore on Prelude Beach. It is where everything began. This is where a new life for all of you will begin as well."

The man named Bosley says, "We've heard that the Hisui region is inhabited by many powerful and frightening Pokemon..."

"But we've also heard the Galaxy Team knows a great deal about Pokemon and uses their mysterious powers to help Jubilife Village grow." Another man named Kochika says.

"Indeed, you have both heard correctly!" Kamado says. "And the reason such tales have reached your ears is largely thanks to both Ash and Serena here, two of our Survey Corps recruits. Through the combined efforts of all our team members, let us continue to develop our village and thrive here in the Hisui region."

"We look forward to doing our part, Commander." Bosley says as the other members nod.

After showing them the way to the Jubilife Village, Kamado turns to Ash and Serena. "The advancement of our understanding of Pokemon-thanks to the Survey Corps - has expanded the areas where we can operate safely. That is what allows us to welcome newcomers like them. Ash and Serena...You truly do love Pokemon, don't you?"

"We do, we love them with all our heart." Ash says.

"Hrrrm...Pokemon have done grave injury to many of our fellows in the Galaxy Team...And yet you still find love for these creatures in your heart. I suppose that is a necessary quality for one in the Survey Corps. Remember this, though: Pokemon are terrifying creatures. It is imperative that we study them and learn all we can about them, whether we wish to live alongside them...or not. And be warned...As the leader of the Galaxy Team, I am prepared to make harsh decisions in order to protect Jubilife Village."

"Commander? Irida from the Pearl Clan's arrived." Just then, Akari arrives and she tells him the news.

"Good. I believe I know what she's here about." Kamado says. "As for you, Ash and Serena. You should see for yourself how Jubilife Village is changing thanks to the Survey Corps' efforts. Then you will come to my office."

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