Chapter 33 Post Crimson Mirelands Part 5

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After arriving at the Bogbound Camp, they find Odo and he says, "I've been waiting for you, kiddo. Let's get down to business - have a look at that Sudowoodo."

They see a Sudowoodo standing at the cliff with an unpleasant face, and Odo says, "It was looking pretty listless, so I gave it a whole feast of Berries...But even though it gobbled them up, it still seems like it has no energy at all. Isn't that odd?"

"Very odd." Ash says.

"So then I figured it must be parched. After all, it's like a plant, right? It must need to be watered. So if we could just fire off a healthy Water Pulse at it, I'm sure it'd perk up in no time!" Odo says.

"I don't think that is a good idea considering Sudowoodo is a Rock-type..." Serena mutters, but Ash already sends out Floatzel.

"All right! Get ready, Sudowoodo! All your worries are about to be washed away for good!" Odo yells as Floatzel fires the Water Pulse on Sudowoodo, causing it to quickly jumps.

"No-doooo!" Sudowoodo yells as it starts to attack with Hammer Arm, but Floatzel manages to dodge in time and lands another Water Pulse, knocking it out.

" doesn't like getting wet?" Odo asks.

"Sudowoodo is a Rock-type, which is weak to Water-type." Adaman says. "I see..."

"Is that it? Gosh, I guess I rained on your parade. Sorry, Sudowoodo." Odo apologizes. "And I'm sorry for making you a part of this, too. I thought I was helping, but when you get right down to it, I just didn't understand Sudowoodo. Keep working hard on that Pokedex to educate poor fools like me, would you?"

The reward is 15 Heavy Balls and 3 Exp Candies S. They walk towards the Mirelands Camp and they find a member of the Security Corps named Yojiro, and he says, "Say, you there! Could you lend me a hand? I was on my way here from the Mirelands Camp when this alpha Hippowdon came after me...I got away, but I dropped a charm I was carrying. And now I can't find it anywhere! I've just got to have it back! If you find a charm lying in a swamp, could you bring it back to me?"

"Sure, we'll look for it." Ash says as they walk inside the Scarlet Bog and find the charm. After finding it, they try to dodge the attacks from the Hippowdon, with Gastrodon's help, they manage to knock out the Hippowdon.

"You guys sure are something, taking on a big, angry Hippowdon like that!" Yojiro says, and then he notices the sparkle in Serena's hands. "Wait, is that..."

"Oh, I think this is yours." Serena hands over the charm, and Yojiro hugs it and says, "My charm! It's really you! Welcome back! It means a lot to me that you went toe to toe with that Hippowdon on my behalf. You'd better believe I won't be losing this charm again - not after you went to all that trouble to get it back to me."

He gives them 5 Iron Chunks and a Grit Gravel, and they decide not to waste time to go to the Mirelands Camp.

They find Ren from the Security Corps at the Mirelands Camp, and he says, "Captain Zisu has set me to all sorts of training, but I don't feel like I'm really improving at all...So I came here to train with my partner, Pachirisu. But I simply can't seem to figure out any winning strategy to use with Pachirisu...I've heard tales about you two, and your strengths in battle. Could I ask you to show me how a Pokemon like Pachirisu can truly shine in battle?"

"I'll do it." Serena says, "So how do we do it?"

"I want to see you battle with a single Pachirisu. No more, and no other Pokemon." Ren says. "And let's see it battle...against a mighty Ursaring."

"Sure, you'll just watch and learn." Serena says.

As Ursaring appears, Serena uses Pachirisu to battle, and Pachirisu's Thunder Wave causes it to get paralyzed, and then it goes for the Crunch to deal a lot of damage. Even though it gets hit by Ursaring's Slash, it finishes with Spark.

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