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  • Dedicated to the ones waiting for that special someone

It all started with a simple girl that could literally make  my heart feel like it was going to beat out of my chest. Her name was Annalyse Marie Becher. She was the same as all girls with the drama piling up in her life and the boyfriends that only wanted her for sex. She presented herself as a respectable young woman. I never got why all these boys would go after her. Maybe it was because she seemed "easy"? I wasn't much for trying to understand the popular guys. They wouldn't know how to treat a girl with respect if it came up to them and bit them in the crotch. Nonetheless she deserved something better than them. She deserved a better boy. I wanted to be that boy with all my heart. I truly did love her, but my shyness got the best of me most of my life.

Annalyse was beautiful. Her straight dirty blonde hair ran down to her shoulder blade. She had  everything a guy would want. The one thing I liked about her also was that she didn't ever try to flaunt what she had. She was modest. She wore things that made her respectful. I never got close enough to see her eyes except through the lense of my camera. Yeah, I was a photographer. I take photos of her. That sounds stalker-ish doesn't it? I guess it is, but I can't help myself.

I was not like most boys. I'm not one to brag about myself much, but I wasn't like them and I never will be. My name was really quite simple-nothing extroadinary about was just Blake. I had side-swept brown hair that slightly ran in front of my left eye. I also had hazel eyes. I didn't really classify myself as "emo" or "jock" or any of that stuff, but if I did I would most likely be catagorized into the nerd group. Now you might be thinking, "How could a nerd get a girl like her?" Well to be honest, I have no idea whatsoever.


The idea of taking photos of her began on a rainy day in October. She was about six years old and I was about the age of seven and a half. My parents had bought  me a camera. Not just any camera, but a really old camera that when I would take a picture it would spit out the picture at the bottom of it. The picture appeared black until a few seconds-possibly a minute or two-later it would clear up and reveal an amazing masterpiece. So as I was saying Anna (I like to call her by her nickname) was outside sitting in a pile of wet sand in her sandbox. I was on my dog's house peeking over the fence at her. I couldn't help but let my smile fade as I saw her crying. I was quizzical at the thought of why she was crying and then recollected that the day before she had made a sand castle in her small sandbox. I bit my lip and dug into my pocket of my shorts to look through my pictures I had taken the day before. I hovered over them trying to keep them from getting wet. To my relief I had taken a picture of her sand castle. At the time it had been no big deal at all to me. I just happened to like her sand castle, but now it seemed like a much bigger deal. I could give this to her and make her smile. She could atleast have a memory of it. So  I slid down from the dog house and ran out of my backyard by unlatching the gate that leads to my front yard. I then ran to her porch and sat the picture on her "Welcome" mat.  I smiled to myself and ran away into my house to prepare myself for supper.


It was just a few years later when she had turned 12 and I had noticed some strange things about her. She was changing. She was becoming even more gorgeous than before. I was falling even more in love with her. I'm not even sure if it was possible to be "in love" at that stage of my maturity and growth, but it sure felt close to it.

Anna was walking down the street with skinny jeans on and a hoodie. Now the thing is, it was summer. I questioned myself to why she would dress like that during the middle of summer break. I took a quick snap shot of her as I saw her smiling as the sun settled down on her like she was a queen. She had just walked back into her house and I heard some yelling. I leaned forward in the rocking chair that I was comfortably sat in on my front porch. I heard a loud shatter and a scream. Something didn't sound right at all, but what was I to do?

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