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They turn around to seeing Jennifer with a walker biting into her. Gabriella soon shoots the walker down as more shooting is heard from the other side, as she rushed toward Jennifer, ushering her toward the lab.

"I'm going to die aren't I?" Jennifer nodding to herself, earning a bunch of no nod from Gabriella as she lay her down, she kisses her forehead trying to calm her down.

"Please don't lie to me?" She nods as the shooting stops, three military men go to check what caused the breach having them pull the wall of the dead walkers out the way from the stairs. Susan and Celia run inside the lab "We can't do it here" Celia explains, to Gabriella.

"We can't get her to the infirmary in time She'll die on the way there from blood lost."

Jennifer gets strapped down to the bed, Gabriela loads her gun, then putting it in her pocket lose just in case. Everyone but Dr. Jenner, and Celia's & Natalia kids come in the room.

"Two armed men go with Celia to the infirmary, the rest look out for walker and kill. No. Matter. What." Gabriella orders "Well go!" They all leave the lab, Gabby holding Jennifer down, while she checks her temperature. "Natalia! She has A fever, get me something cold"

Natalia rushes to the cabinet getting a clean rag before trenching it in cold water, rushing it on to Jennifer forehead.

Gabriel sets up the monitor to see her brain making sure it's still working normally and not shutting off, Natalia goes outside the room, to hold Nathaniel into her soft arms, whispering.

"You'll be safe, okay If something happen to me, you leave me. Even if you need to kill Me ok?" She kisses his forehead before, she entered the lab. Cecil and the armed man aren't back yet.

Jennifer eyes open, her once brown eyes are now white. Startling Natalia who stumbles to the ground, Gabriella helps her up, opening the door.

"Get you and your son outta here, don't say anything" Natalia nods before she run to her room, packing up some stuff, five guns and the bullets for them. She picks up a bunch of stuff of Nathaniel.

Nathaniel and Natalia were rescued when she didn't know what was happening, Her husband told her to meet him. At a mountain which would need a car.

She rushes to the cars with Nathaniel she turns the car on and drives straight there.

Gabriella was waiting for anything to happen, her mind click before, she grabs the knife "Susan do you know how to do a C-Section?" Susanna noded
"When I had my baby, my husband filmed it so yes- How do you know if the baby is still alive?" Gabriella stares at her.

"I don't" she fake smile as she cuts Jennifer shirt off, Susan prosided to cut jens stomach open. "Plus you need to have a little hope in this new world" Once Susan was done.

The baby was breathing so she lays him on a little bed, Susan closes the blind. "Dr. Jenner.can't know he lost his wife"

Susanna put the baby in a kind of holder, as she earns a nods from Gabriella even tho she fought with him she loved Jennifer didn't realize it until she lost her.

As they get bags, a loud cry is heard then loud growling is heard. Gabriella rushes to Jennifers side.

The gun already loaded before shooting her dead. For ever.

The boy crying as susan proceeded to wash of the blood, and other body liquids. As Susanna wraps the baby around in a soft blanket.

Susanna walks over to Gabriella to hand her the baby, Gabby holding her hands out a tear threatening to fall. The sweet new born baby boy asleep on her arms.

After a few minutes, a gasp is heard making the woman turn their attention at the door instead of the boy in Gabs arms. Dr. Jenner standing there looking trough the doorway.

The horrible site of his dead wife, the bullet in her head, her stomach cut open blood spilling out of it still. His son in Gabriella arms who turn to him, he stalks overs to her

"You should-"

Before she could let out the rest he slaps her making her almost drop the baby. She was now bruised, she didn't really care about that but the baby in her arms.

Without a word Dr. Jenner turns away from them leaving out them to their thoughts.

°Government Experiment° -Daryl Dixon-Where stories live. Discover now