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"I can't believe you guys actually convinced Mary and Marlene to do this," Remus grumbles as he gets into the front seat of my car.
James grins, "Just cause you have no faith in our work ethic doesn't mean they don't."
"Well they don't actually know you," he rolls his eyes.
I reach over and hold his hand, "I promise we'll try to get actual work done."
"I'll believe it when I see it," he scoffs.
We pull up to Lily's house not even 5 minutes later. James is practically buzzing with excitement and Remus looks thrilled to be alive-note the sarcasm.
Remus knocks on the door and Marlene opens it up.
"They're here!" she yells into the house and motions for us to follow her inside.
We head into the dining room where all three of the girls are sitting on their laptops with the book infront of them and open notebooks.
"Hey Remus!" Lily says excitedly as she jumps up and hugs him. I notice Marlene and Mary throw each other a weighted look and wiggle their eyebrows.
"Hey Lily," James grins stupidly.
"Do we get hugs to?" I ask, since I know James is too chicken to do it even though he wants a hug.
She rolls her eyes and walks away dragging Remus by his hand to a seat next to her. I follow and sit next to Remus and Marlene moves to sit by me. Predictably, James sits next to Lily.
"You have a lovely house," he says looking around.
"Thanks Potter," Lily says not paying any attention to him. "So Remus I was thinking about what to do for the poster bit."
I turn to Marlene so we can get started on our project and I can prove my boyfriend wrong.
"Hey Lily," James says leaning over so he can join her and Remus' conversation.
"What Potter," she sighs exasperatedly.
"I watched that movie you were telling the class about awhile ago," he smiles proudly.
"Which one?" she asks.
"The one about the big boat that sinks and the two people fall in love."
She rolls her eyes. "Titanic?"
"That one!" he says excitedly.
"Did you really just call the titanic the big boat that sinks?" Remus scoffs. "Fucking idiot."
James pouts, "I forgot the name okay?"
"It's only the most famous boat," Remus rolls his eyes.
"It's got a very long name," I add trying to make James feel better. "Easily forgettable."
"Maybe for a squirrel," he raises an accusing eyebrow at me.
"Well then I guess I'm a squirrel, at least their cute," I say haughtily. "I'd rather enjoy being a squirrel honestly."
"Why's that?" Marlene asks.
"Because they get to have nuts in their mouth," I smirk.
Remus chokes on his own tongue and turns bright pink, which was exactly what I was looking for.
"He's got a point," Mary adds with a chuckle.
"I just like there fluffy tails," Marlene says. "I want a pet squirrel."
"They have the plague, and rabies, and other diseases," Remus says looking at her like she's insane.
"But there so cute!" she argues.
"Sirius has diseases but you keep him around," James teases.
"I do not have diseases!" I argue.
"Remus is more likely to have diseases with all the smoke he fills his lungs with," Lily chimes.
"How'd you know I smoke?" Remus scoffs. "I've never told you that."
She looks at him like he's an idiot, "You smell like smoke, and sometimes weed, all the time."
He grabs his sweater and smells it, "It's not that bad."
"It kinda is," I confess.
"Yeah," I shrug. "But I'm used to it."
"I put cologne on to cover it though," he pouts crossing his arms.
"You still smell good though," I try to reassure him.
Honestly, I love the way he smells. I don't even care that the smoke and week sometimes are a little too strong and burn my nose when I'm laying on his chest. I find everything about him comforting.
"Yeah, you don't smell bad or anything," Lily says quickly. "It's just obvious your a smoker."
"Oh sweet Jesus than I go get a fag," Remus says standing up and pulling out his cigarette pack as he walks out the front door.
The girls all laugh but James and I groan in frustration. "He's gonna get lung cancer," James scolds.
"He's a big boy he can make his own decisions," Mary says waving a dismissive hand. "James lets get to work, we've barley even started."
I turn back to Marlene and we continue working. A few minutes later Remus comes back smelling more like smoke and looking pleased at the studious environment. James kept trying to talk to Lily though so eventually she dragged Remus up to her room to work.
"You know if you didn't try so hard maybe she'd give you a chance," Marlene snickers.
"I don't try hard!" James argues.
We all laugh, but I stop abruptly when he shoots me a death glare.
"And if you made even a little bit of an attempt at school, and didn't flood the bathroom at least once a month," Mary adds.
"It's happened twice!" I argue, "And the second time was an accident, we were trying to make the water red so people would think it was blood."
She rolls her eyes, "Exactly my point."
"Be more like Remus and maybe she'd give you a second look," Marlene says, sharing a smirk with Mary.
"You mean smoke a pack a day and hit a dab pen like it's water?" James quirks an eyebrow in amusement. "Or somehow read a book while holding a conversation?"
"Not the first part," Mary says.
"Lily's already been trying to come up with a plan to get Remus to stop smoking," Marlene says.
"But the second part wouldn't hurt," Mary adds.
"Have you ever even see a book before James?" I tease.
He scoffs and throws a pencil at me. "I have so seen a book."
"Besides one Remus was holding or a teacher gave to us," Marlene says accusingly.
James thinks for a moment before hanging his head in shame. "Touché."
The girls smirk. "That's what we thought."
"I guess Remus is hot and smart and has that whole bad boy thing going with his smoking and scars and shut while also looking like a total nerd and teddy bear, but what does he have that I don't?"
"All of that," Mary says with a plain face.
"Did you just call my boyfriend hot?" I ask, my jaw dropped.
"Boyfriend!?" Mary and Marlene spin in my direction.
I quirk and eyebrow, "Yeah?"
"Holy shit," Mary curses.
"How did I not know he was gay? I have great gaydar!" Marlene scoffs.
"Well he's bi but that's not the point," I say still confused. "Did you not know we're dating?"
"It's not like there subtle about it," James laughs. "Him and Moony are all over eachother."
"Moony?" Mary asks.
"Remus," I clarify, "We call him Moony sometimes because one time James said he was always mooning over me."
"I thought it was because he looks like a werewolf with all those scars," Marlene laughs.
I laugh too, "He's had little kids tell him that before."
"Really?" Mary says. "I'm really not surprised."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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