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"Is he still asleep?" Molly came in and asked about an hour later.
"Yeah, he keeps kinda waking up and readjusting though. If you want I can take him home so we're not taking up your break room," I say.
"Oh no it's fine, I love Remus, I just want him to be safe. I'll make sure he's still payed for this shift, it's not like he planned to have a seizure," Mrs. Weasley says.
"That's really nice of you," I say smiling at her.
"Well, it's the least i can do," she says as she head back out. "When he wakes up, tell him he can just go home. I don't want to work him when he just had a seizure, and don't let him argue about it."
Remus groaned again and readjusted next me, nuzzling his head into my shoulder and pulling my arm closer to him. After another ten minutes or so he woke up again, but this time fully because he stretched with a yawn and sat up blinking around.
Suddenly he locked eyes with me, "Am I still at the burrow?"
"Yes, you've been asleep," I tell him.
He seems to realize the position he's in because he quickly pulls his arms away from me and moves to the other side of the coach.
"S-Sorry," he stutters, a blush forming on his cheeks. "You could have moved me, or left I wouldn't have cared. You didn't need to sit here with me."
"No it's okay, I don't mind," I smile at him, "You seemed comfortable."
"I should probably get out there and do my job."
"Molly already told me to tell you to just to home and not let you argue about it," I inform him.
"I need the money I can't do that," he says as he nearly passes out from standing up to fast. He sits back down and rubs his forehead.
"She said she's still gonna pay you for the shift since it's not your fault you had a seizure."
"No that's not fair on her, I didn't do anything except sleep and cause a seen."
"She said it's the least she could do," I tell him firmly.
He sighs, "Whatever, I need a smoke."
I roll my eyes but bite my tongue. I wanted to say 'You just had a fucking seizure and you want to smoke right now?! Seriously?' but i demonstrate great self control because I do no such thing.
"I'll drive you home," I tell him standing up and helping him to his feet, "And Im not leaving you at the 7/11 when you just had a seizure."
"Why not?" he argues.
"I just said," I snap, "If your embarrassed about your house or something, please don't be."
He shrugs, "Not that simple."
"Im not gonna judge you or think less of you, I don't care if you live in a literal dumpster. Im not leaving you at the 7/11 end of discussion. So you're going to give me your address and let me drive you home."
He scoffs, "I don't like being told what to do."
"Yeah I've noticed, but your going to do it anyways."
"Fine," he says.
We walk out the back door so that he doesn't have to chance seeing anyone who watched him have a seizure. As we walk out side he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lights one up.
"Why do you like those things so much anyways? Can't you just be a normal teenager and vape?" I say teasingly.
He smirks at me, "I have a vape, I only use it at school cause it's easier than pulling out cigarettes."
"Doesn't answer my question of why you like cigarettes so much."
He takes a long drag and looks like he's contemplating rather or not to tell me. "I like the burn," he finally says. "It burns that back of your throat, and I like that."
He laughs, "You ask a lot of questions. Why don't you just try it your self?"
I shrug, "Worried id get addicted or something."
"Here just hit it once, just so you know what it feels like," he says passing me the lit cigarette. I hold it between my fingers gently before finally putting it to my lips and sucking in. He's right, it does burn. But it also tastes like fucking shit and burns like hell.
I cough and pass if back to him, "Yeah no thanks, I like my throat to not feel like it's on fire."
He chuckles and puts it back into his mouth. "It's an acquired taste."
"Well I don't know why anyone would want to get used to that," I complain still trying to cough my lungs up.
"It makes you feel better," Remus shrugs like it's obvious. "Doesn't make you forget like alcohol can, but it helps take the edge off."
"I like doing other things to take the edge off," I shrug.
"Like what?" Remus asks, staring right into my eyes.
I feel my breath get hitched in my throat.
"I don't know, football?" I say not able to clear my mind to think of anything else.
He laughs, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.
"Football?" he says incredulously. "I knew you and James where obsessed with that game, but if that's your get away from reality that's sad."
I continue to stare into his eyes more, "I don't know, I read sometimes."
His smile softens to one of slight amusement, "Oh yeah, what do you read?"
He pulls out a new cigarettes and lights it up.
"Books?" I say, trying to clear my head.
"You're cute," Remus says, then his eyes grow wide as he realizes what he just said. Before I can even second guess my self I step forward and snake my hand behind his neck and pull him down and plant a kiss right on his lips. I pull back in shock realizing what I just did.
"S-Sorry, I don't know what I was thi-"
He interrupts me by pulling me in by the waist and kissing me. I immediately kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and lacing my hands in his hair. He tastes like cigarettes and chocolate, though I'm not sure when he was eating chocolate.
He pulls back slightly so he can talk but so I can still feel his breath on my face. "You wanna take me home now?" He asks brushing his lips on mine again gently.
I smile and open my eyes to look at him. "In a second," I say planting another kiss on his lips.
He pulls me in even closer if that's even possible, and runs one hand up my back sending shivers down my spine. I tug at his hair gently and hear him moan slightly into my mouth. "Okay," I say pulling back to look at him. "I'll take you home now."

Canine Instincts: Wolfstar  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora