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I used my off period to do more research on seizures to make sure I was prepared in case Remus has a seizure around me. Then I continued to do more research when I went home, and call James to make sure he knew what to do if and when it ever happens when he's around.
"So he has seizures like every week practically, but he won't do anything to try and stop them?" James says disbelievingly.
"I know! He won't give up his silly cigarettes to help with his seizures, when he literally told me they can fuck up his brain more," I complain irritably.
"That's stupid," James says bluntly.
"That's what I was thinking!" I say, "I found this website talking about how stopping drinking and smoking can cut the amount of seizures you have in half!"
"Maybe you should send it to him?"
"I'm adding him to this call," I say as I start ringing Remus' phone. After a few second his face appears next to James, a cigarette in his hand.
"What's up guys?" He asks taking a long drag of that ratchet death stick.
"Get there filthy thing out of your mouth Remus Lupin," I snap at him.
He looks at me like I just asked him if he likes my new dog fish named pinky pie. "What are you on about?" he asks exhaling a puff of smoke out the window next to him.
"He's talking about the cigarette," James chimes in. "We've been doing research on seizures and apparently just stopping your smoking and drinking could cut your seizures in half."
He rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah, you sound like my doctor," he says as he hits it again.
"I'm serious!" I snap.
He smirks at me, "I know your Sirius, nice to meet you."
I roll my eyes irritably. "You know what I mean," I huff, "You need to at least try to smoke less, I found that having seizures that often is not good for your health.
He clenches his jaw, "Well did it say anywhere on your stupid website how high levels of stress and anxiety can cause seizures too?"
"Well yes but-"
"Smoking helps me with that, without it I'd be a fucking wreck," he snaps at me. "It's the only thing that helps take the pain away from my mom god damn dying. So don't you dare try and take that away from me."
That shuts me up for a second, but thankfully James knows exactly the thing to say at all times.
"All it's doing is helping you run from your emotions, if you just tackled them instead of ignore them it would help a lot more."
"And be a lot healthier," I add.
"Oh fuck off," Remus practically yells, "You guys barley know me, how do you know what's fucking good for me?"
"Remus we're just trying to help you-" James says but gets interrupted again.
"You know what? I don't want to hear it, fuck off. And don't bother picking me up Black, Im just gonna take the bus."
And with that he hangs up leaving James and I gobsmacked.
"That went well," he says humorlessly, "I knew he had a temper but I don't appreciate it when it's pointed at us."
"I need to go apologize," I say quickly getting up. "I was just about to leave to have to pick him up anyways."
"I don't think that's a good idea," James warns, "He seemed pretty pissed off."
"That's why I need to say sorry! I could have gone about that in a much better way," I say as throw my shoes on. "Bye James!" I hang up the phone and hurry out the front door and into my car. It's about a 25 minute drive to the Burrow from my house, and by the time I get there it's about 5:08 so Remus should already be there. I had been hoping to catch him when he was walking in but I guess I'll just have to wait for him to get a break or something. Maybe it'll be slow and he'll be able to talk to me.
I walk into the front door and see Remus standing behind the front counter tying on his apron and looking flushed and out of breath like he just got here. He turns to face me at the sound of the bells that go off when someone opens the door and his eyes go dark. He motions to the lady behind the counter to give him a second and he stomps over to me pushing me back out the front door by my shirt.
"What the fuck are you doing here," he growls, hovering over me with his superior height. I never came to recognize how much taller than me he was until he was towering over me, at least 8 inches taller but maybe more.
"I wanted to apologize," I say but it comes out as more of a whimper. I never thought Remus was a necessarily scary guy until I had him towering over me.
"I don't care fuck off," he snaps. "I don't want to see you right now."
"I know but I'm sorry, I could have gone about that so much better. I do wish you would stop smoking but it's not fair of me to have ambushed you like that," I say regaining a little bit of my confidence.
He laughs humorously, "Oh you want me to stop smoking?" He pulls his dab pen out of his pocket and takes a log hit of it and after holding it in for a few second gets right down in my face and blows it out. "That's my answer to that alright, now fuck off." He let's go of my shirt pushing me away. He rubs his face hard like he's getting a stabbing headache. He turns to start heading back inside but I just follow him into the lobby of the diner. I notice a few people watching us through the glass quizzically but choose to ignore them.
"Please, I didn't want to piss you off. I really just did it cause i'm worried about you," I try to explain, but that seemed to have been the wrong thing to say.
He runs his tongue over his top teeth, "Don't you worry about me fucking princess, worry about yourself for a change."
"It's just cause I care about you, I don't want to see you get hurt."
He rolls his eyes, "If you don't want to see me get hurt, then leave me alone." He opens the door and walks back into the diner.
"I'm sorry," I say one last time.
"Fuck off," he bares his teeth, "Get out of her-"
He suddenly stops looking at me blankly.
"Remus?" I say looking at him quizzically.
He continues to just stare at me for a few more second before suddenly his eyes roll back into his head and he starts to fall forward. I manage to catch him before he hits the ground.
"Someone call 9/11!" Someone in the diner shouts.
"No!" I yell back, "Someone set a timer for 5 minutes, but don't call an ambulance yet. This is my friend I know what to do."
I guide him to the ground and lay his head in my lap, thankfully he's not full on shaking and only twitching slightly. His face is tense and his eyes are rolled back in his head. He looks like he's in a lot of pain and I can only hope that's not true.
"Is he having a heart attack?" Some lady asks holding her kids behind her.
"Why would he say not to call an ambulance if his friend was having a heart attack you idiot," some girl says from the other side of the room.
The owner of the diner Molly Weasley, a young 26 year old newly wed, comes up next to us and crouches down next to Remus.
"Is he having another one of his seizures?" she asks.
"Yeah," I say stroking Remus' hair. I know he probably isn't even aware I'm doing it, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something for him other than letting him use me as a pillow.
"Oh poor boy," an old lady says.
I finally notice the small group of onlookers that circled around us. "Hey hey, everyone back up and give him some space! When he wakes up it's gonna really freak him out if all of you are gawking at him like that!" I yell, feeling very protective of the seizing boy in my lap. Even Molly stands up to give Remus space which I know he would be grateful for.
After another minute or so he stops twitching and his face relaxes some. His eyes close instead of being rolled back in his head. I check his pulse and feel it's still there strong.
He gasps suddenly and jerks up slightly likes he trying to sit up but can't.
I pull him back in my lap, "Just lay down for a second."
He groans but stays put in my lap, trying to steady his breathing. After a few minutes he opens his eyes hazily and try's to sit up. I help him up to a sitting position and he looks around groggily like he can't figure out where he is. I know from my little bit of research that it's probably gonna take him a good ten minutes to get fully back and conscious.
I keep my arm around his torso to help him stay up and he leans heavily into me, looking around in confusion.
"Where am I?" he groans, he sounds like he just woke up from a 100 year nap.
"Your at the the Burrow," I answer, "You had a seizure."
He looks at me quizzically like he doesn't quite get what I'm saying. "Where am I?" he asks again.
"Your at the burrow," I answer.
"What's wrong with him?" the heart attack lady asks.
I glare at her, "He just had a fucking seizure lady, have some empathy."
She looks at me incredulously but doesn't say anything else.
Remus brings his hands up to his face digs his palms into his eyes. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, he looked like he was in some sort of pain.
"Can you stand up?" I ask, "Let's try and move you to the back or something where there's not so many distractions."
He nods along with me though he looks like he only got half of what I said. As I stand up he starts to stand up with me too, though he's unsteady so I put my arm around his waist to keep him up right.
"He can come back to the break room," Molly says pointing to a door by the counter.
Remus is leaning heavily on me, but he doesn't weigh too much so it's not hard to support him even though I'm probably carrying most of his wait.
There's a couch in the break room so I move over to sit him down on it. He looks much more conscious at this point but still leans into me and buries his head in my neck. It doesn't look very comfortable considering he's so tall and gangly but he seems content.
He groans, "What happened?" after a minute or so like that.
"You had a seizure, I caught you before you hit the ground and layed your head in my lap so you didn't keep hitting it on the tiles. You weren't full on convulsing but you were kinda twitchy, and your eyes were rolled back into your head."
He groans again, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," I say quickly. "It was probably my fault anyways for pissing you off so much."
"Thank you," he says with a sigh. "For catching me and all that." He nuzzles his head into my neck and wraps his arms around my arm.
"Well I wasn't just gonna let you hit the ground like that," I say leaning my head on top of his, trying to savor the moment. I know he's still slightly out of it and probably has no clue what he's doing but I couldn't help but feel like this was just, I don't know, right? I liked the feeling of Remus next to me like this, and judging by the little smile on his face as he fell asleep he did too.

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