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"I'm gonna pull my hair out of my head," James complains flopping back on his bed dramatically.
"But you have such lovely hair," I say teasingly. "Not as good as mine of course, but it'll do."
He glares at me. "Your not helping."
"Sorry," I say putting my hands up in mock surrender. "What did you need help with?"
"What the fuck is a kenning?" he asks showing me the AP english study guide. McGonagal proved she does have a heart when she passed these out for us last friday.
"No clue," I shrug.
"Ask your genius boyfriend," James demands pointing to my phone.
"He's at work you dolt," I say rolling my eyes. "I'll text him so he can answer when he gets a chance."
To my surprise he answers right away.
REMUS: Like a compound word of figurative language that replaces a whole singular word. Like sky-candle, or ankle-biter
"Your boyfriends a life saver," James sighs, "While your at it, ask him for a few dualities from the green knight."
After I sent him the text Im surprised when Remus starts to facetime me. I answer the phone and see Remus is out back with a cigarette in hand.
"Tell James that maybe if he read the fucking book he could do it himself," Remus teases hitting his cigarette.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. I don't know how you found the time to when all you do it moon over my best friend," James teases coming up next to me to see Remus.
"I do not moon," he argues.
"Yes, your very moony whenever your around Sirius," James plays.
"Moony?" I ask with a scoff.
"Yeah he's very moony," James says, before his face lights up like he has an idea. "That's your new nickname."
"My what?" Remus says looking confused.
"Moony," James smirks, "It's fitting."
Remus rolls his eyes, "I'll show you a moon." He lowers the camera till he's just showing his ass-Which looks very good in those jeans by the way.
I cover James' eyes, "Hey that's my ass!"
James and Remus both laugh. "You can have his ass, I don't want it," James says.
"What's wrong with my ass!" Remus asks incredulously.
"Nothing, it's a wonderful ass," James says.
"Can we stop talking about my boyfriends ass?" I interject with.
"It's my ass," Remus shrugs as he lights another cigarette.
"No, it's my ass," I smirk at him. His eyes widen and he chokes on air coughing up the smoke from his cigarette aggressively.
"Ew," James says, "I didn't want to hear that."
"Your the one that's been talking about his ass," I say smirking at him too.
"I did walk into that," James concludes.
"Could have been worse," Remus says smirking mischievously, "He could have been talking about my monster wang."
James covers his eyes and laughs. "I know for a fact that Sirius has not seen your dick so at least I don't have to worry about that."
"How does he know that," Remus smirks at me. "You talk about my dick a lot then?"
I feel myself blush, "Can we change the subject please."
They both laugh at me.
"I should really go back in, I've been out here for 10 minutes so my breaks practically over," Remus says, stubbing his cigarette out on the wall.
"Fine," I pout. "Have fun I'll see you in a few hours."
He smiles at me, "Oh you'll be fine if you can't talk to me for three hours. Just go talk about my dick some more with James."
James laughs. "No thanks, don't give him any ideas."
Remus smiles at me through the phone, "Alright. I'll see you soon love."
He hangs up and put my phone down pouting. I know Ill see him in a few hours but I still know I'm gonna miss him like I always do when he's at work. Yeah I know, I'm clingy leave me alone.
I notice James is smiling at me. "What?" I ask.
"I just haven't seen you this happy in a long time, that's all," he shrugs.
"Oh shut up," I say smiling too.
"I'm serious," he points at me before I can get anything out of my mouth to stop me from making the joke. "I can tell you really love him, and he loves you."
"Yeah," I say smiling dopily, "I really do."
"Have you told him?"
"I think I did in one of my morning rambles," I say burying my face in my hands in embarrassment. I tend to say a lot of things that I normally wouldn't say out loud when I'm still half asleep. "Along with many other things about how wonderful he is."
James laughs, "Well you didn't scare him off so I think your fine."
"Yeah," I shrug, "I think it made him happy cause when I finally gained full continuousness he was grinning at me like an idiot. I don't know if he loves me back though, I mean we've only been dating for a little over a month."
"Oh he definitely loves you back," James says as if it obvious.
"How do you know?" I ask.
"Have you seen the way the guy looks at you?" James says incredulously. "He'll have his nose stuck in a book and be oblivious to the world until you walk into the room. Then he's suddenly all oogly eyes for you."
I can feel myself blush, I hadn't even noticed really. I had noticed that he always stops reading when I sit next to him and stuff. And even if he doesn't stop he makes sure to hold my hand or something to make sure I know he knows I'm there.
"Moonys a sucker for you," James scoffs. "Can't get him to do anything for me but the second you ask for something he does it an instant."
"You sound jealous," I tease. "Sounds like you've got a crush on my boyfriend."
He scoffs, "He's a very attractive guy no doubt but I've only for eyes for Lily."
I groan, "Oh damnit, of coarse I had to get you onto her again."
"I'm gonna try and get her to be my partner for the project we have over break."
"Good luck with that," I say, "She's always partners with Snivellous."
"I've got a good feeling about this time though," he says grinning.

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