Part Twenty - The Truth

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I held off from telling my family at the start because like I said, I didn't know how they would act. I brought Andrew to my house a few times and he got along with everyone so one evening when he was around for dinner, I made the decision to tell everyone the truth and that Andrew was my boyfriend."

 I sucked in a deep breath, for two years I've been trying my hardest to block this incident from my memory, all the hurt that I felt back then was beginning to flood back into me. 

"And what happened?" Lucas asked. 

"Well, Lily was completely fine with it which I expected but my parents they...they went mental. Correction, my mother went mental, my dad just sat there with a confused expression on his face as if he couldn't comprehend how his son managed to become gay. But yeah, my mother started screaming at me, telling me that I disgusted her and that I was no son of hers." Lucas strode over to me and pulled me into a tight hug, 

"Oh Asher, I'm sorry. No child should be treated like that by their parent." 

I gently pushed him away, "you haven't even heard the worst of it yet." He frowned but went back to his seat. "After like ten minutes of screaming at me and throwing food, she noticed Andrew standing defensively in front of me so she began directing her anger at him. He stood his ground for a couple of minutes before my mother began pushing him forcefully towards the door. I tried to stop her but she was relentless. She was constantly screaming that he had corrupted me and that he was a disgusting human being. When they got to the door, Andrew turned around and ran straight to his house. 

I ran after him but when he got to his house, he slammed the door in my face and refused to talk which I understood. I wouldn't like having my boyfriend's family screaming and pushing me either. When I got back home, the front door was locked and I didn't have my keys.

I banged on the door for ages but no one answered so I ran to my friend's and stayed at his for the night."

"They locked you out?" I nodded, "that's so fucked up." 


"What happened after that?" 

"Lily figured out where I was so, the next day she came to my friend's house with a bag of clothes for me, she apologised the whole time but it wasn't her fault. It was nearly the end of the school year so I begged my friend to let me stay with him until I could go to university because I had already been accepted into one. Thankfully he let me but one day I got an email for the admissions team for the London Business School. 

I thought it was just an email giving me extra information about the uni but when I opened it, it informed me that they had received an anonymous email stating that I had cheated on my A level exams and they couldn't accept me therefore my offer had been revoked." I swallowed hard,

"I obviously thought it was a mistake so I contacted them explaining that they was absolutely no way that I could have nor would have cheated. I don't want to sound like I'm up my own ass here but I'm not stupid, I have no reason to cheat. But they refused to listen, saying that the decision was final. 

I spent a while trying to figure how this could've happened and I came to the conclusion that someone was trying to sabotage me. I wasn't aware of anyone in school that disliked me so I came up with the only logical answer, my mother did it."

Lucas gasped, "you really think she would ruin your future over something like this?"

"Lucas I don't think, I already know. When I confronted her about it, she admitted that she had done it, hell, she was even proud of it. When I asked her why, she said that I didn't deserve to go to uni as if my sexuality made any fucking difference to my intelligence. So yeah, one day when both my parents were at work, I went home, packed a suitcase full of my shit then left.

I didn't tell anyone except Lily but she understood why I had to leave, she blames herself for not standing up to them but I don't hold a grudge. Like you said, no parent should act like that.

And that's the story, hope you enjoyed." 

Lucas looked at me confused, I smiled, "it's okay Lucas, it happened like two years ago now, I'm over it." He raised his eyebrow, "well I'm not over it but I'm trying to move on. I'm sorry for being rude yesterday but when I saw my mother clinging onto your arm it just pissed me off. She acts like she did nothing wrong and that I'm blowing this out of proportion but I'm not Lucas, I'm not." 

"Hey, hey, I know you're not. You have every right to feel that way. And you don't have to apologise for yesterday, if I had known the whole story then I would never have let that thing touch me," I let out a small laugh, "and I'm sorry that I took her up to my dad's office before I took you." 

"It's okay but to make it up to me, you can take me up there today." 

"Umm...," I widened my eyes and pouted my lip. "...okay fine, but only because I can't say no to that cute face." I blushed then grab Lucas and hugged him tight.

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome Ash. Remember you can tell me anything, I'll always have your back. I know this relationship is still relatively new but I already care for you, deeply."

I snuggled into him more, feeling soothed by his words and his scent."

"I care for you too." 

"Good, now give me a kiss then I can show you this office." 

I chuckled then leaned up, bringing my lips to his. He kissed me gently before pulling back. "Let's go then."   

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