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*Dipper and Pacifica is now living together with their twin son and daughter as a family*
Dipper was holding a sticky note whilst looking down at it to read what it says. He knew the handwriting anywhere because of how fancy and cute it was. He then let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Daddy, where's mummy?"
A cute but worried daughter of his asked him while pulling on his jeans.
"Don't worry about your mommy Ocean, she'll be back" Dipper kneeled down to be at her hight as he smiled face to face with his 5 year old blonde daughter,Ocean.
"I heard you two shouting last night and.. And I got scared" Ocean stuttered worried about his mum and dad.
"Aw, don't worry Ocean she'll find a way to forgive" He smiled at Ocean, patting her back to comfort her.
"Have I told you that story about how your mom and I was fighting a ghost back in Gravity falls when we were younger?" Dipper asked Ocean, Dipper and Pacifica told their children a lot of stories about their own adventures in GF but it was Dipper who did mostly of the story telling.
"The one where you called mum the worst before the party?" Ocean giggled a bit thinking of how her dad called her mum the worst.
Dipper smiled back.
"Yep, that one. But I've never told you why I called her the worst, you see she was, well used to be, a self-hearted rich-blonde-stereotype and she was really mean to everyone especially to your aunt Mabel"
"Who would hate on aunt Mabel? she is funny and always fun!"Ocean questioned
"Well your mom did, she was just jealous that's all, anyways back to the story, while the ghost was turning people into wood and setting the mansion on fire I tried to find your mom so she could fix everything, I found her in the hidden room looking at pictures of bad people, but those people were her family"
Ocean gasped
"She was there sitting down clicking on a flash light, I came in to tell her I need her help but she couldn't help to think that she was bad herself, she hated herself at that point, I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her and that's when I forgave her, even for being mean to both me and aunt Mabel, and heck even I apologize for calling her the worst. But look where we are at now we're married living in a beautiful House and we have the most adorable twins in the world!" Dipper smiled at Ocean But she had her mouth wide opened, shocked that she didn't hear this part of the story yet. There was a silent between them for a second.
"But my point is that forgiveness is key, always forgive people when they find out what they've done and you know that they'll learn from it, forgiving people will lead a long path for you and for them. And by this your mother will learn to forgive me eventually , she will be coming back" Dipper smiled at Ocean before giving her a hug with a tear dropping from his eye.
"Ocean are you ready to go adventuring!" A little boy shouted from the back garden.
"Now go to your brother and have fun" Dipper said as he let go of her from the hug
Ocean smiled back then she left running to the backyard to meet her twin brother.
"I'm coming now Tyrone" she giggle as she ran to him.
"And remember not to follow any gnomes if you's see any!" Dipper shouted with a smile.
"Don't worry dad" the twins said in unison.
________~Time Lapse~_________
(Same day but in the evening 11pm)
"So Pacifica you ready to tell me what happened?" Mabel handed her a cup of hot chocolate "You seem pretty stressed out when you asked me if you could stay here for a while"
Pacifica took a sip of the hot chocolate then she just looked down at the mug.
"I don't know anymore" she finally spoke,
"Don't know about what, Paz?"
"Dipper..." Pacifica said under her breath.
"Soo.. What about him?"
"I think he doesn't care about our family anymore.."Pacifica closed her eyes while a tear dropped down.
"I'm sure that's not true" Mabel sat closer to her to give her comfort.
"Well if it's not then why is he always out at work trying to publish his stupid book that he's writing, trying to find evidence to support his findings, while I'm having to cut my working time and salary to take care of the children and the worst part is when he does come home from work, at 11pm he completely ignores me and the children! To go on his stupid laptop and do some more work! Now I'm thinking that I and the children is probably better without him now..."
There was a long pause and silent before Pacifica continued.
" Last night I couldn't stand it anymore while I was trying to sleep he was typing away in his laptop. I told him to stop and take a rest and care about the family for once but he just continued typing. I then decide to take his laptop and smash it right beside him making him jump out of the bed, we then shouted at each other for a good 5-10 minutes and after that he went to sleep downstairs. I heard him say as he was walking downstairs 'you've never really changed' that's when I decided to pack my things early in the morning before anyone was awake and I decided to go to you, but before I left I wrote on a sticky note 'don't worry about me anymore'....."
Pacifica took a deep breath and she wiped her tears from her eyes and cheeks,
"Well I guess my brother was being a pain anyways" Mabel broke the silence
" But I mean you have to forgive him sooner or later because I mean he needs you...and you need him. After what you did I'm sure he has now realized what he is doing, that he's becoming self-centered. Remember that moment when dipper forgave you for being who you were back then, heck he even called you the worst, but you realized what you have become and dipper saw that you were more than that, you actually cared. And look where you guys are now living together with adorable twins."
Pacifica looked up to see Mabel smiling at her, and after what Mabel said she smiled back.
"What I'm trying to say that forgiveness is key, forgiving someone could go a far way. Like when dipper forgave you."
"So what should I do... I broke his laptop with his work and everything he'll never forgive me for what I just did!" Pacifica covered her face with her two hands.
"'Cifica, it's Dipper, as I said he needs you and.." Mabel was cut off by Pacifica ".. I need him" she then took her hands away from her face.
"He'll be probably waiting for you"
Pacifica smiled and hugged Mabel tightly
"Thank you so much, for everything" Pacifica said as her tears were getting soaked up by Mabel's sweater.
"There, there" Mabel said as she was patting her at the back "now go back to where you belong, in his arms"
They pulled away from the hug smiling while Pacifica wiped her tears of again.
As she was walking to her car Pacifica turned to Mabel
"You're not gonna tell dipper about this are you?"
"He probably knows that you came to me and asked for advice" Mabel smiled
Pacifica smiled back and got into her car heading back to Dipper.

(11pm still the same day)
Dipper was looking out the window in their bedroom which gave a clear sight of the drive way, he could've continued with his book as it was already saved into a usb, but he was concerned about Pacifica.
It was now 12am Dipper was really sleepy but he wouldn't go to bed until Pacifica came back, he was certain that she was coming back tonight. And in queue he saw Pacificas car park on the drive way, he quickly got up and ran downstairs. As he was about to open the door Pacifica already opened it. Now both of them were looking at each other face to face until Dipper grabbed her into a hug and Pacifica did the same.
"I'm sorry for being a fool and not noticing you and the kids and for what I've said" Dipper said as they were still hugging each other tightly
"And I'm sorry for breaking your laptop and destroying your book" Pacifica did the same also
They were still hugging but now they are facing each other
" I had it saved in my usb before you smashed the laptop" Dipper said smiling
"Obviously you would have done that, nerd" Pacifica said smiling back seductively
They both started kissing
"what made you change your mind" Dipper said now their foreheads are touching
"Forgiveness is key" She smiled
"Huh.. That's weird cuz.."
"..And I can't leave Tyrone and Ocean behind with you" She said teasingly
"Mum is that you?" Said a sleepy Ocean
"Oh yes it is my darling" Pacifica picked her up while hugging her tightly.
"Why are you up so late?" Dipper asked
"Uh Tyrone won't stop reading that stupid Diary of his" Ocean said as she sighed
" It's only because your sock puppets are freaking me out and it's a journal not a diary!" A sleepy Tyrone has joined in.
"Ah you two" Dipper went to pick up Tyrone "You's will never get along will you"
"Well it's his/her fault" both of the twins said in unison, Dipper and Pacifica laughed and they kissed each other again but this time it was only a peck in the lips
"Ewww" the twins said
"Ey watch what your saying or we'll send you to Soos to stay the Mystery Shack in Gravity falls for summer" Pacifica said teasingly to dipper
"You might not know Tyrone but while your down there you might find a rich beautiful blonde girl" Dipper teased back. The twins giggled as they were sent back to bed carried by their Parents. Dipper and Pacifica kissed their children on the forehead before they went to bed
Dipper was sleeping but he was awoken by some light, it looked like it came from a phone, he turned around to see Pacifica on her phone "oh don't get me started about you and your god damn phone" Dipper smiled as he kissed her on the cheeks. Pacifica turned her phone off "you're right, nerd" she then turned around to cuddle with Dipper. "Love you llama" Dipper teased " Love you too Pine tree"
___________________________that was longer than I expected jeez
But oh well pls fav comment for more and have a nice day


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