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Hi guys! I'm sorry for being so inactive for the past couple of years. My situation is kind of complicated, so I'm not gonna get into the gory details lol. Let's just say I get 45 minutes twice a week to write. You'd be surprised by how little I'm able to get out in that amount of time 😅 I've been focusing more on my kpop acc (spuffynerd if you're interested :3) But the good news is I'm going to be a lot more active which means I'm going to start writing one-shots again. 

I'm creating a queue for the line of requests that I've gotten, and I'm going to start working on those. Feel free to request anything else in the "Requests" section. Just going to let you know that I do not write smut or incest (not that there's many siblings...), so please do not request that. 

I also want to make it clear that I have not watched Pahkitew Island, so if you request one-shots with characters from that season, it'll take me a little longer so I can get a feel for those characters. 

Aside from those few things, I am perfectly content with writing whatever you want me to :)

In addition, the updates will probably be really slow. I'm now focusing on two accounts and four different books, so please be patient with me 🥹

That's all for now! Just wanted to say thank you to all of you readers. You guys are what is giving me motivation to start writing one-shots again. 💖💖 

I'm gonna go back and start editing ✌

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