"Oh, yes. I have injured girlfriend, right" She mutters, mostly to herself and I chuckle at her own stupid response. "Of course, I'll help you, love. Wanna go now or after dinner?"

"After dinner please"

"Great! The food is almost ready!" She claps her hands and walks to the kitchen again after shooting me a wink.

Florence does quick mac and cheese and we eat it together in the dining room. We finish it fast and then we move to the bathroom for my needed shower. I try to undress myself, but it's too hard with only one good arm. I groan quietly and look at the blonde in the doorway.

"Help me?" I request finally, nodding at the hoodie I'm wearing. Unfortunately, the hoodie is going to the dumpster because it's pretty much ruined.

"Mhm" She agrees easily and helps me to take off the hoodie. It's a little painful, but I'll live. Flo calms me with a few kisses on the face, making me kinda forget about the pain. "Do you want me to turn over or something, so you can take off the rest of your clothes?"

"Em, if that's okay?" I ask shyly, a blush creeping on my cheeks. I know she saw me naked recently, but this is different.

I still need some time to be confident with my body and being naked around Flo. I always had a problem with it, so it's hard.

"Of course, love" She assures me quickly, seeing my hesitant expression. "I'll take off my clothes too and join you in the shower, okay?"

"Sounds good" I nod in agreement before she turns around after giving me a soft smile.

I reach at my pants with my hand and try to unbutton it, but after a couple of seconds, I sigh annoyed and rest my head against the wall.

"Flo..." I whisper, not looking up from the wall. I can feel her eyes on me, so I turn around slowly. "C-Can you help me? I can't unbutt-"

"Of course, let me help you" Flo cuts in, saving me from saying this. She smiles reassuringly and takes a step closer to me. "Can I?" She asks, nodding at my pants.

"Yeah" I agree after a second.

I watch carefully as she unbuttons my pants slowly and pushes them down to my ankles. She steps back and gives me a moment to kick them off. Then, she puts her hands over my sports bra and grimace at the thought of taking it off.

"Do you want to take it off or I should cut it?" She questions like she's reading my mind. Her thumb caresses the skiing under the material soothingly.

"Cut it, please. My arm hurts enough already" I respond quietly, so tired from this day already. I just want to go cuddle her and sleep.

She nods in understanding, pecks my cheek softly and leaves the bathroom. After a minute, she comes back with scissors.

Firstly, she cuts both of the straps and then she cuts the middle of my bra, letting it fall on the floor. I close my eyes and bite my lip, trying to fight with the embarrassment I feel. It's a really weird feeling, standing almost naked in front of her.

"Don't be embarrassed, love. You know I love you and you have a beautiful body" She comments, calming my worries. She also puts her thumb between my lips, releasing my bottom lip from my teeth. I open my eyes and look into her pretty, green eyes. "And don't bite your pretty lip so much, darling" She teases, making me blush with her small smirk.

"Sorry. I love you too" I whisper back shyly. "I'll handle the rest, see you inside?"

It's crazy how we say 'I love you' so freely now. But I love it with my whole heart and I can do it my whole life. Especially, I love her.

"Mhm" She hums and turns around again, giving me some privacy.

I quickly take off my panties and enter the open shower, turning on the water. I have already my cast wrapped in foil, so I won't wet it, but nonetheless I stretch my arm and hold it away from the water.

I let water hit my bare body, wetting the hair in the meanwhile. A minute later, I feel hands wrapping around my stomach and I sigh in content. Flo kisses my bare shoulder, nuzzling her nose into the crook of my neck.

"Shall we start with your hair, love?"

"Yes, please" I reply and she kisses my neck sweetly before taking a small step back.

Florence takes a shampoo from the shelf and pour some of the liquid on her hands. Then, she rubs the shampoo on my head gently and bubble it. She slowly and softly massages my head, making me to release a low moan at the nice feeling.

"Feels good, darling?" Flo chuckles amused, but with adoration in her voice.

"Heavenly" I breathe out, already relaxed. "You know how to use your hands, huh?" I speak playfully and she laughs, still massaging my scalp delicately.

"You should know the answer to that already, my love" She teases and I let a chuckle. True. "Now we rinse" She tells me and leads me under the hot water.

After that, she rubs the conditioner onto my hair and with the time we need to wait, she uses to clean my body. When I'm fully covered in gel, she gives me a gentle shove forward, pushing my whole body under the water.

She cleans herself quickly with me inside waiting for her. When she finishes, she steps from the shower first, wrapping a towel around herself and then, she helps me with the same. She wipes my body and helps me into fresh clothes, pajamas to be exact. I give her a thankful kiss and leave the bathroom, giving her a moment to dress herself.

I sit on the bed with crossed legs, texting Mia about what happened and letting her know that I'm okay. I text Keen too and he sends back thumb up in response. A couple of minutes later, Flo exits the bathroom, shooting me a smile.

"You okay there, love?" She questions, sitting next to me with one leg folded under her butt.

"Yeah, just texting Mia about today. I feel bad I left her in Halloween, we always spent that night together" I say truthfully with a small pout.

"I'm sure she understands. Besides, she'll have you in New Year's Eve" She reminds me. "She needs to learn how to share with me now" She jokes and I giggle quietly.

"Oh, yeah. But it's a bummer you're leaving and we can't be together for your birthday" I mumble sadly.

"I know, darling" She pulls me onto her lap and hugs me. "When I booked the vacation I didn't know that I'll have a girlfriend this year" She murmurs, her lips brushing against my jaw. I turn my head and cup her face with my good hand.

"I know" I whisper and connect our lips together.

We both sigh into the kiss, enjoying the feeling. We kiss for a few minutes, mostly innocently, not wanting to take it further tonight. I tug her bottom lip as I break the kiss when we run out from the air.

"We should go to sleep, you had a long day today and you need to rest, love" She comments softly, caressing my cheeks. I nod in agreement and get off her lap, laying on my side with puppy eyes. Flo laughs at my expression, looking at me amusedly.

"Flo" I whine and pout. "Lay down with me" I order, patting the space next to me.

"So bossy" She teases, but lays down on her back, her arm automatically stretches for me to snuggle into her body. "Better?" She laughs when I nod against her neck, pushing my face into it more.

"Yep. Perfect"

We fall asleep after that very quick, both of us tired after the day.

Edited: November 16, 2022

Love On Set - Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now