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"Sam, oh my God!" I squeal when I see the older boy in the doorway. "You look like an adult!" I exclaim sarcastically, hugging him tightly.

"Hi, Ella!" He murmurs against the top of my head, while I hide my face in the crook of his neck.

It's a comfy position because Sam isn't too much higher than me. He's only two inches higher than me, which means I'm 5'5" tall.

"You're choking me a bit" He complains hoarsely and I chuckle amusedly, stepping back from him and patting his shoulder.

"Sorry. I just missed you, how are you?" I question, inviting him inside finally.

"Good, very good" He confirms with a nod, stepping inside and not moving more as he looks me down and up. "You look beautiful, Ella. Happy birthday!" He exclaims happily, giving me a quick hug again.

"Thank you. I'm glad you could make it" I smile brightly at him and lead him upstairs to the living room. "Mom's upstairs with Flo, but Mia's here"

Flo and I didn't talk yet, she came a few minutes ago and mom almost immediately took her upstairs for something.

As we step on the first floor, we immediately see Mia standing behind the couch, leaning against it with a shy smile on her face when her eyes flicker to the boy beside me. I quirk my eyebrow at her because she seems a bit too shy. She's usually really cool and causal around new people.

"Hi" Sam waves to her in greeting, being very sweet like always.

"Sam, this is Mia, my best friend. Mia this is Sam Holland" I introduce them even if they know about each other.

"Hello" Mia greets him timidly, giving him a small wave too. "I know who you are, obviously, but it's nice to meet you" She rambles sweetly, blushing a bit. What a dork.

"It's nice to meet you too" He says back and draws his hand for a handshake. Mia shakes her head in disagreement and pulls him into a hug, but back off quickly with almost red face at the action. I bite my tongue, so I wouldn't laugh how awkward this interaction is.

"Sorry, I'm a hugger" She mumbles embarrassed.

"It's alright" Sam laughs, brushing off her worries gently. "It was cute" He shrugs, a small smirk painting his face.

"Can I give you something to drink?" Mia asks him and I start to feel like a third wheel, so I move around them and plop myself on the couch comfortably.

"Sure, water is just fine, thank you" He replies politely and Mia walks away to the kitchen, so Sam uses this moment to approach me with something in his hand. How I didn't notice this earlier? "Hey, I got you something, here" He informs me, laying a small gift bag on the coffee table and taking a seat next to me.

"Oh, thank you. You didn't have to" I tell him truthfully. I didn't invite him for a gift, I just love his company and want to spend my birthday with him.

"Don't worry about. I'm sure you'll like it" He smirks as he winks at me.

"Oh, yeah?" I quirk my eyebrow teasingly. He looks very happy about the present, which makes me curious. What the hell he could give me?

"Hell yeah" He confirms proudly.

"Okay, I'll open it tomorrow. It's my little tradition, ya know? I always open the gifts the next morning, like Christmas or something" I tell him and he nods in understanding.

"Oh, I see. Sounds good" He smiles.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Mia asks loudly, entering the room again with a glass of water. Sam mumbles a quiet 'thank you' and takes the glass. Mia sits next to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

Love On Set - Florence PughNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ