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I wake up, feeling the empty spot next to me. I stretch my arms above my head and release a tired, sad sigh. I really wanted to wake up next to Florence for the first time. Where she is?

I stand up slowly from the bed, rubbing the eyes on the way to the bathroom. Quickly, I clean my teeth and splash cold water on my face, helping me to wake up better. When I finished, I look in the mirror and smile to myself.

The memories from yesterday playing in my brain in a damn loop. I don't think that I was so happy in my entire life like I'm now. I literally fulfill my birthday wish less than a day after I made it. If it's not a luck, then I don't know what is it.

I breathe out contently, not looking like a total shit right now. It's a good thing.

I walk out from the bathroom and after that I leave the bedroom, grabbing my phone in the process. Slowly, I go downstairs, keeping my steps quiet, so I could surprise the blonde. I sniff suddenly, a delicious smell fills my nose.

I know for a fact that Florence is a very good cook, so if she's cooking a breakfast right now, I'm going to be a happy person because it's going to be good as hell. With a last sigh, I enter the kitchen and smile at the sight.

Florence, with her back to me, dances to the music from speaker, Sunset Canyon by Foxwarren. I give myself a minute to just watch before I call out her name.

"Florence" I say her name for the second time, louder than before. She turns abruptly and her panicked expression changes into a grin when she sees me.

"Good morning!" She exclaims happily with a voice full of the energy. How she can be so full of life after drinking so much? Freaking British people. I feel terrible.

"Morning" I mumble, sitting on the bar stool and resting my elbows on it.

"Hangover?" She asks amusedly and I roll my eyes on her teasing tone.

"Yes. After all, I'm just an American, right?" I joke, remembering her words from yesterday.

"You drink coffee, right?" She questions after returning her attention to the breakfast.

"Yeah, only with the milk, though" I tell her and she nods, purring me a cup. Coffee only with milk and the tea only with honey. "Thanks" I murmur gratefully, taking the cup from her.

"No problem" She brushes me off and takes some plates from the cabin. She puts them in front of me on the counter before she tilts her head at me. "So, I did some pancakes with fruits, is it okay for you?"

"More than okay, Flo. Don't worry. I'll eat whatever you'd make" I reply and flash her a smile. "Usually, when mom is working I'm doing just some toast with cheese or something, so this is so much better" I tell her, pointing at the stove.

"Well, I like cooking, so yeah. No problem for me, you won't starve with me around" She says, winking teasingly to me with a smirk. She puts two pancakes on each plate. "Eat up, sunshine" She orders gently, taking a seat next to me. I blush at the new nickname as I grab a fork and dig into the deliciously looking food.

We eat in comfortable silence, stealing glances and smiles during the meal. To be honest, I'm dragging the time, afraid of checking my phone. I know mom is mad at me, I just texted her about sleeping at a friend's house. I didn't bother to call her or anything because I knew she's sleeping already. But now, she's probably awake and furious.

"Alright" I clear my throat, standing from the bar stool. "Thank you for the breakfast, but I need to go. It's late already" I say sadly. I don't want to leave her, but I need to.

"It's okay, but em..." She closes her eyes for a second as takes a deep breath. "Can I take you out for a date next week?" She asks timidly, making me smile brightly.

"Yes" I respond immediately without thinking. "Just text me when and where and I'll be there"

"Okay, good, good" She mumbles, nodding to herself. Adorable. "Are you wearing your dress?"

"Yeah, I'll just order a taxi, so it doesn't matter anyway" I reply, shrugging.

"Alright, I'll give you my hoodie, it's cold" She decides and takes me upstairs again. She walks to the closet again and grabs a colorful hoodie. "Here" She murmurs, giving me the hoodie.

"Thanks" I reply, taking the hoodie from her and raise my eyebrow questionably because she doesn't move an inch. "You wanna watch me change or something, Pugh?" I tease her with a smirk and in the blink of an eye, she blushes forcefully and looks down on the floor.

"Yeah, no, sorry" She mumbles awkwardly. "I'll wait downstairs" She speaks up quietly before she leaves the bedroom.

I giggle at her behavior and change into my dress, leaving Flo's clothes on the bed. Then, I put the hoodie on top of the dress and grab the hem of the hoodie, pushing my face into the material, inhaling the scent. It smells like Florence. I love it.

After I'm done, I walk downstairs and see the blonde sitting on the couch.

"Hey, I'm ready" I announce and she looks at me with a smile.

"I ordered you a taxi already. Five more minutes and it should be here" She says, showing the app on her phone.

I nod in response and sit cross-legged next to Flo, facing her. She repositions herself, now one of her leg is under her butt with another hanging from the couch, while she's facing me. She instantly leans forward, brushing some of my hair behind my ear and I feel my cheeks getting pink under her gentle touch.

"It's almost unfair how you always look so good, even in the mornings" She says sweetly and I roll my eyes at her cheesy line, but chuckle anyway, blushing only more.

"Thanks, Flossie" I laugh softly with an amused smile. "Can I kiss you?"

"Always" She responds easily and starts to lean in. I meet her in the middle, crashing our lips together in a searing kiss.

I rest my hands on her neck, pulling her face closer to me and depend the kiss. I feel how she sneaks her hands around my waist and pulls me onto her lap, making me gasp at the sudden move. She uses it this moment and she shoves her tongue between my lips.

We both moan when our tongues meet and in instinct, I put one of my hands on her jaw and another on her throat, squeezing it a little. She groans at my action and lowers her hands to my ass, gripping it and earning a moan from me.

"Flo..." I begin breathlessly, but she kisses me again passionately, making me sigh against her lips. I let her kiss me for a minute before I pull away a bit and snap my eyes open. She tries to chase my lips and I laugh quietly. "Flo, the taxi is probably already here. I need to go" I remind her and she opens her eyes, pouting.

"I know" She murmurs and pecks my lips a few times before she allows my to stand up from her lap after patting my ass a couple of times. "I'll see you soon, okay?" She asks when she stands up with me

"Yeah" I peck her lips again and she hums happily. "See you soon, bye" I mumble and walk to the door with her following me

"Bye, pretty girl" She says her goodbyes and pulls me into a last kiss.

I giggle sweetly at her and she smiles adorably to me as I open the door for me and leave to the taxi. I enter the car with a 'hello' and close the door after me, saying the address to the driver. I wiggle to get comfortable and look through the window to watch the way before my phone gets a text. I pull out my phone and smile widely when I read the message.


You look so good in my clothes, darling<3


cheesy, Pugh ;p

I laugh at her text and hide the phone away, leaning my head against the window. I'm thrilled about coming back home because I have only one text from mom, which is even worse. At least, I'm driving to Sam place first, so I have time to think about it.

Edited: October 22, 2022

Love On Set - Florence PughHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin