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"Put the hat and glasses on, Isa" Mom scolds me, before I can even think about leaving the car without disguise.

It's barely 7 a.m, but paparazzi never sleep, especially around airports. I already learn that much after being a daughter of Scarlett Johansson for years.

My mom was always protecting me from them when I was younger and they're not too many photos of me from my childhood. Thanks to that, I could have a pretty normal life until I went to high school and a lot of people knew who my mom was.

I quietly put my DC baseball cap on my head and some sunglasses on my nose, just in case. Yes, I'm wearing a DC cap because I'm funny like that. And maybe I'm not a fan of their movies, but their shows are great. Supercorp for life.

"Alright, I'm ready" I inform my mom, showing her my covered face. She gives me a small nod with a smile and leaves the car swiftly.

She keeps the door open for me and I exit the car. She closes the door behind me and I stand next to the car as she and the driver take our bags from the truck. I grab my backpack from them and start following when they start walking to the airport with 3 suitcases and one bag.

The airport is pretty empty, I don't see any paparazzi the whole walk to the check-in point, so I take off at least my sunglasses. I really don't like wearing them inside. Then we go to another point to check our bags. The driver leaves us there and it takes us a couple of minutes to weight everything.

After that we do a security checkpoint and when we're clear, we find our gate and finally can sit to relax a little. I notice that we still have more than thirty minutes before the flight, so I decide to eat something, because who doesn't like to have a small snack.

"Mom" I whisper loudly to gain my mom's attentions. She looks up at me from her phone and shoots me a questionable look. "I'm gonna buy something to eat, do you want something?" I ask her, nodding into the direction of a small coffee shop. She flicks her eyes there before they return to me.

"Maybe some coffee?" She requests softly and I nod immediately, standing up and putting my bag on the chair I was sitting on.

"Sure, I'll right back" I tell her and turn to the shop.

"Be careful, please" She says quickly before I can walk away. I turn my head to her and shot her a smile in confirmation.

"Always" I giggle softly when she rolls her eyes playfully. She knows that I'm not always careful. Most of the time I'm not careful at all.

I arrive to the coffee shop rather fast as it's not far away from the chairs, I still can see my mom if I turn my head in right way. I buy myself a ham sandwich with hot tea and black coffee for mom. I have no idea how she can drink black coffee, if I ever drink coffee it's mixed with a lot of milk and sugar, maybe some syrup too.

After I pay, I stand near the bar to wait for my order, looking around the whole time. It's my habit for traveling with mom so much or with some of Marvel's family. Looking for paparazzi to pop out.

"Order for Sarah!" Some girl from behind the counter yells, so I grab the order quickly and leave the shop before anyone would notice me. I start using my middle name in situations like this a few years ago and I just never stopped. Another habit, I guess.

I almost run back to where my mom's sitting, still doing something on her phone. But her head snaps to me when I suddenly throw myself on a chair beside her, throwing my backpack on the floor with a thud. She glares at me annoyed and I only shrug with an innocent smile

"Your coffee and 2 sugars" I mumble, passing her coffee and reaching for the sugars to inside my pants before I give her them.

"Thanks, honey" She answers and open the cup to pour the sugar inside.

Love On Set - Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now