Chapter 10: Take control

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I felt my spine shiver as her fingers made their way higher up my leg. Part of me wanted to push them away and yell at her but the other part of me wanted her to keep going. To know what her hands would feel like.

Suddenly my adrenaline spiked and I sat up quickly, my cheeks warm. "Stop it y/n" i hissed, looking around to see if people were looking. "Don't ever do that again. I'm in charge remember"

I don't know what's wrong with me. Why my automatic response is to be mean however what she did was out of order. We were in public for god sake.

"Apologies miss Romanoff, I just wanted to get my point across" she smirked. Did she really think she was being clever.

"You're being a brat. I need the information on Yelena and your refusing to give it to me" I really did need her to fess up and her ignorance was infuriating. What was so bad that she couldn't tell me.

"Fine if you so desperately want to know. We were partners when we were 16. We got into a bit of trouble, stealing things and drink driving, that's all. We were friends as kids and she left to go somewhere and I never heard from her again" she gulped looking at the butterfly again.

I could tell there was more. Her reaction to Yelenas name earlier proved that. I would get it out of her but I respected her boundaries and decided to give her time before pushing again.

"I'm going back to Hotel. Goodnight Miss Romanoff" she said clearly pissed off.

"Y/n?" I raised a brow causing her to turn around slowly.

"Yes" she huffed.


"Homework?" She said holding her hand out to annoy me. She knew I didn't have it. Hell she only mentioned it at dinner.

I turned on my heels and stormed off. Who knew a professor could be so awful. She clearly hated me and had some unresolved issues that she was taking out on me. I couldn't take her games anymore. I needed this degree and I was never going to get it with her around reminding me how easy it is to get under my skin.

I made it back to hotel around midnight and threw off my clothes leaving myself in my bra and underwear before tying my hair in a bun and washing my face. I placed on a baggy shirt and was about to clamber into the silks sheets of a 3000 dollar bed until I saw my hotel door open.

"What the..." I said startled but she started yelling cutting me off.

"What you pulled tonight was not ok and if you think you can get away with hiding information from me, so help me y/n I will get it out of you in whatever way it takes" she was wearing the clothes from tonight but more buttons were undone and her hair was down and wild around her shoulders, flicked to one side of her head, accentuating her cheek bones.

"Are you serious, humour me please Miss Romanoff. You can touch whenever it suits you and talk to me however you please ,which is very rudely by the way, and when I do the same thing it's out of order" I look her in the eyes lingering for a little too long before looking out the window and the glowing city beneath the jet black sky.

"Who made the game again ha?" She stepped closer scanning the apartment almost judging my housekeeping.

"Me, to try and keep you in check" i smirked walking over to the mini fridge and taking out a bottle of wine. I grabbed two glasses out of the cupboard. I poured the red liquid into the glasses and pointed one at her.

She took it, her expression empty. " I think you're the one who needs keeping in check. Your all over the place" she stared coldly into my eyes, a flicker of fire behind them.

Miss Romanoff - natasha x fem reader (college)Where stories live. Discover now