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Rayanne Reynolds

Standing in the room in silence, Rayanne's stomach turned. She couldn't stop the millions of thoughts running in her mind, she felt, somewhat involved in this tragedy. Her last encounter with Aden played back in her head, she cringed at the way she spoke to her that day.

She was already going through so much.

She thought.

I shouldn't have spoken to her that way that day.

Her mind was running wild.

But why would she do THAT though ?!

A desperate sigh escaped her lips. It has been 3 days now. Rayanne would come visit her whenever she had the time, she couldn't stay the whole day of course, she had issues of her own. Staring down at her feet she groaned. She's been on this ankle bracelet for weeks now, still waiting for court direction. Aden wasn't in a coma or anything of that sort she was just very exhausted, so she slept a lot. Rayanne never got the chance to speak with her and see how she was doing truly, anytime she stopped by she was sleeping. And that is why she kept coming by, she didn't care for her much, she just wanted to make sure that she was functioning like usual and she would stop coming to see her, the thing is, Rayanne had sympathy and not empathy. She felt pity of course. But she couldn't understand why Aden did what she did.

Yawning whilst stretching her rather long legs, Rayanne grew sick and tired of staring at Aden sleeping, she lazily stood up from the chair that rested by the bed, she was ready to walk out but stopped in her tracks upon hearing a groan.

She curiously watched as Aden's eyes fluttered open, she groaned as if she was in pain. Rayanne's eyes roamed over her face, anticipating her next move.

Finally settling in, Aden's eyes shot directly into Rayanne's, none of them said anything for a while, as they both tried to read each other's thoughts. Aden's gaze didn't last though, she began feeling awkward and broke the eye contact.

"How long have you been here for" she softly asked, her voice cracking with each sentence.

Twisting her lips to the side Rayanne responded "long enough"

Nodding, Aden's head turned to her window seal noticing another fresh set of flowers. Gesturing towards them Aden spoke.

"Has he stopped by today?" She asked.

"Yeah I suppose. He comes visits you everyday so I've heard" she replied knowing it was her brother who got her the flowers.

"I've only seen him once. I'm knocked out most of the times" she slightly pouted.

Rayanne didn't reply after that, the only thing running through her mind right now was knowing why, but she knew she couldn't ask her now it was too soon, too fresh. Internally debating with herself she carried on staring at Aden, she could tell she was out of it, she didn't look good.

She watched as Aden's facial expression suddenly went from somewhat looking sad, to looking scared. She gasped as thoughts of realisation shot through her.

"H-how did you know I was here?!" She questioned.

Rayanne watched Aden's face turning red, it was the realisation of her actions and someone knowing about them coming through, she was embarrassed. Rayanne stopped herself from rolling her eyes.

Why is she embarrassed now? Face your consequences like a big girl. She thought.

"My parents work here. They took care of you"

Growing more embarrassed Aden bit on her lip, looking elsewhere but at Rayanne.

Rayanne chuckled. "Why you acting like this?"

"Like how?" Aden asked genuinely confused.

"Acting ashamed. You do shit then act ashamed of them when people notice" she said staring the scars on her arms.  "So why do you do them? You obviously know it ain't good" she continued growing annoyed.

Her sympathy level was now at zero, forget capped. Aden clearly knew what the fuck she was doing, how her actions affected the people around her wherever they knew her or not. She thought of her mom and how she has been ever since rescuing Aden.

Now that she was fully awake Rayanne needed her questions answered.

Shaking her head Aden fought back tears. "You wouldn't understand. All you do is judge me. You don't even know me" she said through gritted teeth.

"I may not know you, but what I know is that, what it is you're trying to do ain't it. Bro do you even care about the people in your life?"

Aden frowned at her.

"What the fuck do you know about the people in my life? I have no one"

"So fuck your brother then ? He's been by your side from the beginning. I've seen it. And if it wasn't for him you wouldn't be here right now" she semi yelled, Rayanne's temper was short, and even shorter when it came to what she considered bullshit.

A tear fell from Aden's eye at the mention of her brother. It hurt her.

"I'm not trying to hurt him, all I want is for everything to be over"

"What's so bad about your life that you would wanna do this?! I just don't understand" she said shaking her head.

"Exactly you don't need to. It's not for you to understand. This is my life my reality. I just wanna go and y'all keep pulling me back"

"Well you need to ask the man upstairs why you're still here. Clearly there's a reason but you don't want to see that. So next time pick up a gun and maybe you'll be gone for good" Rayanne spat.

The look on Aden's face almost made her regret saying that, she couldn't control her mouth sometimes and spoke her mind all the time, good or bad she couldn't hold the things she thought.
Aden's face turned blank. She had no emotion no tears.

"Get out" she whispered.

Rayanne bit the inside of her cheek, in her mind she felt as thought what she said was what needed to be said. She wasn't going to sugar coat shit and she wasn't going to be nice about it, she tried to help once and that didn't work, Aden showed her that she didn't want help. So if she wanted to kill herself then so be it. She wasn't going to stick around playing with her. Giving Aden one last look she made her way out not forgetting to slam the door.

Kinda hard writing this as I don't want to make it too long, but also not too short, I'm trying to fit loads of pieces into it without it taking too long to get to the point..😫 trying to piece different events into 1 and make it cohesive isn't easy! But I'm willing to try! Lemme know what you guys think of it so far❤️

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