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This is a trigger warning, this story is based on true events and it will contain triggering moments just so you guys are warned , this is the story of my life. I spent a couple of months figuring out what I wanted to do, if I wanted to put my story out or not, it's a way for me to heal and come to terms with certain things. I've actually started writing in my note books and thought why not actually do a whole story. Of course some bits may be exaggerated for theatrics and made up so the story has more length to it.

I just wanted to put a trigger warning out because this story is going to touch on a lot, physical and mental abuse a lot of substance abuse, mental illness depression and triggering words or actions.

I wouldn't say that I've healed completely but I am in the process and I've come a long way. Writing has made me more open to talking as well (currently seeing a therapist) I used to keep things bottled up and that made me a very angry person.

I do want to share my story and hope that it can help someone out there that's going through some of the things that I went through, and still going through, real events , real people, but the names & location will be changed.


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