Ekko:"Are you working for Silco?"

Vi:"*scoffs* As if!"

Ekko:"*stammers* I thought you were dead. Now you show up with a Piltie and a dead man here in the Lanes."

Vi:"You were following us? Why didn't you say something?

Ekko:"I didn't know if I could trust you."

Vi:"So...so you just come out swinging?"

Ekko:"Gee, I wonder who I learned that from?"

Vi:"Ah, well, you shoulda learned more. You still punch like a little boy. I'm sure Y/N would say the same thing once he sees you."

Ekko:"And you still block with your face."

Vi:"*scoffs * I remember when you wouldn't stand up to me."

The chains clung as it the floor and to Ekko's surprise, Vi had them off this whole time. Vi walks forward and wraps her arms around him, giving a hug.

Vi:"I missed you, little man."

Ekko:"*shocked* How long have you had those off?"

Vi:"*adjusts the hug* How long have you been whining?"

A tear snaked down on his face and Ekko returns the hug, happy and sad at the same time upon reuniting with a friend whom he thought had died years ago.


At Silco's office, Sevika was sitting down on the couch, telling Silco about the news.

Sevika:" All our business is down. Enforcers are searching anyone who crosses the bridge.

Silco:"*walks to his desk* Marcus is following my orders. Preventing, Y/N, his bodyguard, Vi and Caitlyn from returning."

Sevika:"Or he's finally flipped."


Sevika:"The chembarons scheduled an assembly."

Silco:"Oh. *puts his hand on his forehead* I've had enough headaches."

Sevika:"It didn't sound like a request."

Silco groans and walks to the door.

Sevika:"Where are you going?"

Silco:"I need to find Jinx."

Sevika:"*stands up* Sir."


Sevika:"I got more in common with cave lice than Jinx. But let's just say I didn't always see eye-to-eye with my old man."


Sevika:"She'll come to you when she's ready."

Silco:"*inhales sharply* Hmm.."

Meanwhile at Jinx's cave, she limps her way to her workshop, making a trail of blood on the floor. She grumbles as she tosses her gun on the table and sits down when she then hears the voices in her head.

Mylo:"You lost them."

Jinx:"*groans* I didn't lose them! They took them."

Mylo:"They just care about those who are already close to them. Even closer than you've ever been. You saw it."

Jinx:*grunts, putting her hands on her head* She was there for me! *grabs a skin stapler* Not the Enforcer, not the ninja! *looks at the mirror which has a hole on it*"

Mylo:"Remember their names?"

Jinx:"Why would I remember their names?"

She staples her injury and grunts in pain. Jinx growls as she stares at the broken mirror and breathes rapidly.

The Avaricious Champion (Male GreedLing Reader x Arcane)Where stories live. Discover now