Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers

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The Avaricious Champion (Male GreedLing Reader x Arcane)


Part 5


Years have past and Xing has grown into a much more peaceful country under the rule of the emperor, Y/N L/N. Throughout his years, Y/N had kept Xing safe away from all the enemies that dared to attack and did what was best for his people.

Everyone in town also knew about the Homunculus living inside the Emperor. Some respected him while some had feared him due to the fact that Y/N had an artificial human living inside him.

But nonetheless, Y/N remained good to his people and tried helping them out in any way he can.

It was a peaceful day at Xing. People were walking around, greeting each other, playing games and buying groceries from a nearby market.

Suddenly, a loud boom was heard from afar. The citizens turned their heads over to where the noise was and started to get worried. Right around the area, citizens began running away in panic as two figures started rampaging around the area.

One of them roared loudly and started rampaging around, destroying nearby structures. On one of the rooftops, Lan Fan and another retainer dashed their way before stopping at the edge to see what was going on.

The smoke that came from the damaged cleared up and they could see a clearer view of the two mysterious figures that were attacking Xing.

It was nothing that they have ever seen. In fact, none of them looked human anymore. The two were large, purple veins are shown on their skin, and their eyes glowed purple. These were monsters, Lan Fan thought as she looked at them.

She and the other retainer set aside their fears and jumps down to face the monsters. The monsters screeched and turn their heads to see the two retainers charging their way towards them.

Lan Fan took her weapon out as she and the other retainer got closer to them. The monsters roared and charged at them when Lan Fan and the retainer went past them and a slash sound is heard.

Purple substances sprayed from the throats of the monsters, and they dropped to the ground, dead. Lan Fan and the retainer placed back their weapons on their sheaths before walking to the monsters.

Upon getting closer, the monsters' muscles grew smaller and their purple veins turned black. It was weird. What were these things?

Fu:"*in Mandarin* We have to report this to the Emperor."

Lan Fan nods in response. Later, they carried the body in a morgue. Y/N walks inside and was wondering what was the report all about.

Y/N:"What happened?"

Lan Fan:"These..things showed up around Xing. We don't know what they are but they were freakishly strong. Even destroyed a few structures during their rampage."

Y/N:"Was anyone hurt?"

Lan Fan:"Thankfully, there weren't. We managed to arrive just in time before they attacked further."

Fu:"What are these things? I haven't seen them before. They were like...monsters."

Y/N walked over to take a closer look at the bodies. He took a good look at them and notices something, He leaned closer and sees a symbol on their chest. It looked familiar.

The Avaricious Champion (Male GreedLing Reader x Arcane)Where stories live. Discover now