chapter 9 ~ to be all smiles

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"You've said that the last 3 times, a-and shut up! Dork!" He smirked, knowing he'd flustered me.

He took that time to sneak over his card to pay for the date. Fucking smooth little shit he was.

We exited the diner, holding hands. I looked up at his face, admiring his features. His jawline was so perfect. The way his freckles were all spread out on his face, but somehow seemed perfectly in place. How soft his hair looked. I couldn't get enough of him.

Still, his features were familiar to me, but I knew it was probably due to the obvious type in men I was realizing I had.

I couldn't help myself, I pulled him into a hug, clearly catching him off guard. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and I could tell by the look in his eyes how much that meant to him.

I felt a kiss on my forehead, and I looked up at him. His smile was adorable. The way he looked at me made me want to cry tears of joy.

"How the fuck did I score you?" He asked with another one of his sweet smiles plastered on his face.

"I could ask the same thing."

We both giggled, leaning into each other. We
were both so happy together.

We arrived back at my place. We got comfortable on the couch together and decided on watching an old movie.


I was really starting to feel at home again. My mother. She was the reason I had such a fucked up view as to what home was. It was all her fault. Everything was her fault. Shit. My mind was spinning again.

My mother is the reason I have so many problems. She's the reason I lost him. She's the reason I almost never loved again. She's the reason I felt so much loss. She's the true evil over my life. Worse than William Afton. I hated that woman more than that monster of a man.

Michael scooted closer to me, quickly wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into him. He ran his hands through my hair to try and help relieve some of the obvious distress I was feeling. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest, weeping.

He whispered in my ear, "It's okay baby." Over and over again. He kept on running one hand through my hair, while he held onto me tightly with the other. Why was he so perfect? Why was he so good at calming me down, like he knew exactly what I needed. I'd never told him what helps me relax, so I adored that he just seemingly knew. I still thought it was strange, but I wasn't going to dare let my mind wonder off anywhere else.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked in a soft, loving tone. I don't know why but the way he said that just made me cry again. I was so in love with someone I hadn't even known an entire year yet. I couldn't understand how it was possible, but I didn't understand love in the first place. I just knew I felt it, and that was alright.

"I love you so much." Michael whispered in my ear. A wave of calmness washed over me. I started to feel like everything might just be okay.

"I love you too." I cuddled up closer to him, resting my head on his chest to where I could see the T.V.

"Do you wanna talk about it now?"

"It's just me overthinking the past is all. Also how much I hate my mom." I chuckled. "She was such a bitch. I'm still convinced that she's the cause of all my problems."

"What makes you say that? She didn't do anything to hurt you did she?"

"Physically? No. Mentally and emotionally? Absolutely. She'd constantly tell me how everything that went wrong was somehow my fault. She hated me. After my brother went missing it just got worse. That was deemed my fault too, but in a way, it felt like it was. For once I thought she was right. I guess that one time made me rethink every other time, and it led me to where I am now."

"Nothing she said is true Y/N. I don't even need to know what exactly she said to you, but I can say with confidence I know she's wrong about you. You're an angel."

"It's not that eas-" Michael interrupted me.

"Trust me, I know it's not that easy Y/N. I know from experience it's not fucking easy," It sounded like he was about to cry, "but I can't stand the fact you're down on yourself like this when I know you're the exact opposite. Look at all the people around you that love you. You're so loved, not by just me, but all of your friends too. We all love you, because you're you. Don't let some sick fuckin' woman dictate the way you see yourself. You're beautiful inside and out. Got it?"

If my eyes could have hearts in them right now, I know they would. He knew just what he had to say. I looked him in the eyes, before he pulled me in for another kiss. This kiss was deeper. It had more passion in it, more passion than any kiss we'd had before. This kiss told me something more than "I love you." I just couldn't understand what. It almost felt like it was saying "I love you, I missed you, you're perfect." If kisses could speak.

We finally pulled apart for what felt like hours. I rested my head back down on his chest, feeling myself getting sleepy as he played with my hair. I wanted this moment to last forever. Maybe, just maybe I wouldn't go back to that hell disguised as a family diner.

I could move on, and never have to worry about moments like these ever ending again. Still, there was another part of me that felt sick to my stomach, knowing I'd end up back there. I wasn't exactly one to move on from things easily.

Before I knew it, Michael was asleep with his arms wrapped around me, and I fell asleep shortly after. It was nights like these that made living feel worth it.



A/N ~ Here have some more fluff! This one was a more emotional fluff chapter, but I love writing it. It makes my heart happy hehe. I hope you're all enjoying!! :)

Do you think Y/N will ever return to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, or do you think she'll move on for good?

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