Chapter 22: What Do You Mean You're...?

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"Yeah," I stood up from the dining room chair, nervously shoving my hands into my pockets. I was wearing a pair of baggy jeans and one of the new sweaters Jenna had gotten me. This one was a light blue, the same color as my eyes. I'd backed away when Victor held it up to me the other day; the day before we'd kissed. 'This would look stunning on you, Phillip! It matches your eyes so well! I must say, your friend Jenna has wonderful taste.' He'd met my eyes then, and I should have known something was up by the way he gave it back to me, letting his hand brush mine entirely too long. My heart skipped a beat. "But um...about that...I don't think..."

Samantha hit the brew button and turned around promptly, "You don't think what, Phillip?" Her voice was too defensive. I cowered.

I scratched my head, leaning against the fridge next to the coffee pot, "Um...well."

She crossed her arms over her hot pink mini dress, "Don't tell me you're actually dating someone! OMG! Is it Jenna?!"

"No," I stuttered, "She's got a boyfriend."

"Well then?!"

"I...uh...I'm..." Someone help me! I silently cried.

"Unfortunately, he's already taken." Solid, strong arms wrapped themselves around me. I closed my eyes as Victor rested his chin on the top of my head. My face grew hot, my stomach clenching in knots as I fought the urge to keep my eyes closed. I opened them as Victor released me. Samantha stared back at me in shock, then up at Victor.

I turned, trying to signal that I was sorry. Victor waved a hand at me, smiling down. His face bore the expression that I needed to see. No worries. Everything is fine. I inhaled deeply, trying to keep from passing out.

"Oh god!" Samantha looked between us, "Oh god!! Jesus, I'm an idiot. OMG!! Phillip, you're gay?! Wow, I should have known! Shit! I'm uh, I'm gonna go." Samantha went to leave, but Victor caught her by the arm.

"Please, don't feel you have to go just because I showed up. Stay." Victor's gaze rolled over her, and the vein in his jaw jumped.

"I don't think it's appropriate. I'm sorry I intruded. I didn't even hear you come in," Samantha pulled her arm back from him wearily. Her face was as red as mine, both of us embarrassed for different reasons. "I mean, Phillip didn't even say you were living here with him. So are here with him, or did you just drop by? Exactly when did you two start dating? And..." Samantha's face turned into a frown faster than I'd ever seen, "exactly how old are you?"

Victor smiled at me as I leaned against the fridge for moral support. I never wanted Samantha to find out about Victor. I never wanted Victor to know that Samantha was in my house. I should have told him last night. I should have told him she was coming over to study, but I didn't. We weren't exactly dating, were we? I wasn't exactly taken, was I? Samantha continued to toss the word gay around like it was something horrible. I instantly felt ashamed.

Victor leaned against the kitchen counter, "To answer your question, yes, I am living here with Phillip. I have been for a while now." Samantha backed up a step and looked at me angrily. "To your other question, I am thirty-two."

"What?!" Samantha looked at me, "Phillip? You've got to be kidding me! This guy's too old for you! Please tell me you're joking?"

I made a small sound like a squeaky wheel. "I don't think there's anything wrong with his age. By the way, Samantha, this is Victor. Victor...Samantha." Victor pushed himself up from where he was leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Nice to meet you. Exactly what is the occasion for stopping by?"

"Studying," I said. "We were studying for Anthropology 101 finals. Samantha needed help. I should have told you. I'm sorry."

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