Chapter 14: Back Home

Start from the beginning

You read my mind?! I screamed silently inside. Victor shifted, still smiling that warm and charming smile that he always did. It would melt any woman's heart. It was certainly starting to mess with mine.

"I know there are things that may be uncomfortable for you to go through. I didn't want to impose, as I am only a guest here. I can easily live out of my small suitcase."

I bit my lip, looking up at him, still partially drunk. Honestly, I don't know how I even made it home. Adrenaline, most likely.

"It's fine," I said calmly. A strand of my hair fell into my face, and I moved my hand to tuck it back behind my ear. "Honestly, I need to start getting rid of their stuff. Nothing's moved in there since they died. I was sixteen then. They wouldn't want me to keep holding onto their things, especially if the room can be used for someone else instead. I don't know how long you're staying, but," I sighed. "I don't mind getting rid of some things to make room for you."

Victor pulled me in close so that my head was now resting against his chest. I feel like a girl, I thought to myself. No, I feel like a child. No, no, I definitely feel like a girl. The way that Victor had me planted against him right now? My heart pumped steadily but slightly too strongly to be tame. I'd never felt this feeling before. I tried not to think about what it meant, for surely, I would start to question everything if I did.

When you are ready," Victor said. He breathed in, a human gesture I reckoned to help me feel more at ease against the stillness of his chest. He had no heartbeat. "But, for now, I am content to stay in your room with you... After tonight's episode downtown, I feel that it may be prudent to do so. I'm not exactly excited about there being another vampire in town."

"You really think that's what killed that girl?" I asked, my jaw moving against the velvet of Victor's jacket.

Victor sighed heavily, "I believe it can be nothing other than that. Last week, when I ran into you after the first victim showed up, I thought it might be a lunatic. I admit, on Monday, I heard something in the bushes on campus and smelled the foul odor in them."

I shifted slightly, not sure whether to pull away or relax more into Victor at this moment. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"There is a peculiar smell on one who has jest fed and killed a human. The uncanny metallic smell of iron that wafts through the air mixed with the scent of death. If I may be so blunt to say, it's pungent and carries the smell of feces." He looked down at me, "You know what happens shortly after people die, right, Phillip?"

Honestly, I hadn't thought of that till now. "Oh, gross," I responded.

Victor leaned back, "Yes, I smelled it in the bushes that night, and yet another girl cropped up some time later. I also smelled it tonight as that rowdy group of kids passed us, but I ignored it." He shook his head, "I shouldn't have. But we are home now, and I know the creature would not have tracked us past the parking garage. I believe he was hiding when we made out escape. We are reclusive creatures after all."

I blinked, trying hard to remain awake through Victor's important conversation with me. The alcohol was finally taking its hold on my ability to stay awake.

"Funny," I said, turning around to face him. I was aware of how close I was to Victor's face, but for the first time tonight, I didn't care. "I would have never guessed."

Victor swallowed, then gripped me tightly around my shoulders, "Ah, well. I don't really count as far as you are concerned. But Phillip, it's been quite the night. Let's get changed and go to bed."

"Sure," I agreed. When I looked up, I realized the house was still entirely dark; the only light coming into the living room was from under the blinds and through the sheer curtains from the moon outside. "But first," I moved in close to him, my face inches from his. How bad would it really be to kiss him for real?

"You're intoxicated, Phillip," Victor said, moving me gently away from him. He shifted out from under me and went to stand. I lay back on the couch, unwilling to move or question my bad judgment.

"I like girls," I said drunkenly to him.

Victor smiled down at me, "I know Phillip. You don't have to justify anything to me."

I squinted at him in the dark, "I just need you to know that."

Victor raised his eyebrows at me, "Alright. Now c'mon," he said, lifting me. Victor grasped me off the couch and picked me up in his arms and walked up the stairs.

"I can walk," I said. I was so groggy that I really didn't think I could stand anymore. I had no idea how I made the drive home at all. That was a miracle in and of itself.

I watched his face the entire time he walked me up the stairs. I could see how he tried not to look at me when he set me down on the bed and threw my clothes at me to get undressed. I only got one pant leg of my sweatpants on before falling face-first onto my blue rose comforter.

"What am I going to do with you?" he said. I could feel my limbs moving, the covers shifting over me.

"Whatever you want," I said. Victor blinked, glowing glass red orbs shining in the darkness.

"I thought you only liked girls," he said flatly.

"I do," I said softly, drunk and yawning. "And I don't know why, but I also like you."

Victor smiled, shifting briefly, sitting on the bed next to me while I fought sleep. "Phillip Kosier, it's okay to like whoever you want. You don't have to justify anything to me." Victor touched my head. "God, I hope you don't remember this in the morning."

I blinked and yawned, shifting under the covers, wondering when he would turn into the cute little cat that slept with me every night. And then Victor took my hand and kissed it, "Now get some rest and may your memory be wiped from the last five minutes of tonight."

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