Leticia: "Drunken mistake or not, I would not dream of forgetting a confession to me like that." She giggles as she closes her eyes and squirms in place with her hands on her cheeks.

Elizabeth: "While I'm not brushing it off, I am quite mad that he confessed to eight other girls with his own girlfriend in the room." She huffs with her arms crossed.

Grace: "Girlfriends." She chimes in with a smile.

Lisa: "You took advantage of Robin that day, his acceptance of you doesn't count." She says firmly.

Grace's smile only widens as she snuggles closer to Robin's arm, much to Yukio and Lisa's chagrin.

Grace: "Even if it didn't count then, it should definitely count now. He said he loved all of us and wished to be by our sides, that is a proposal is it not?" She asks.

Yukio: "One you don't deserve." She says with a glare.

Elizabeth: "Oi." She begins, looking ready to defend her sister.

Grace: "Yes, you are right." She interrupts her as she opens her eyes to look at Robin's face with an affectionate yet regretful smile. "Even after the lies, the manipulations, almost killing him, he was still able to look past it and say that he wanted me to be happy. I know I don't deserve to be by his side, I'm the villainess, not a heroine after all." She says with a small giggle. "But even so, I can't help but give into my desires. It may hurt my heart to be here, but Robin is my only salvation now, and I can't imagine a route where I choose to leave his side." She says softly, gently caressing Robin's cheek.

Everyone is surprised by her seriousness, and even Yukio and Lisa can't say anything about it. They clearly haven't forgiven her yet, but maybe one day they'll be able to look past her mistakes.

Grace: "But enough about all of that, starting today we're all his girlfriends. So can I be apart of your club now?" She asks with a giggle, looking at Yukio and Lisa.

Yukio: "Absolutely not." She scoffs.

Lisa: "The 'Teal Hearts' happens to be full at the moment, it's very unfortunate." She sniffs.

Leticia: "Don't worry Grace, we could always make our own club. Like the silver haired trio." She suggests.

Elizabeth: "Since when did I agree to join your club?" She asks with a brow raised.

Melissa: "Can I join your club?" She asks with a head tilt.

Rachel: "You're already part of our club, and you don't have silver hair." She laughs a bit.

Sylvia: "I wonder if I could pretend to be a student at the school..." She mumbles to herself.

And just like that, the mood has changed completely, Grace is really good at doing that. Sometimes it makes me worry for her, but seeing how she is now, I'm sure there isn't anything to worry about.  

Though she is making me jealous.

Grace: "Well, if that is going to be all, please excuse yourselves while I rest with Robin." She says, purposefully emphasizing Robin's name as to get everyone's attention.

Clarissa: "Hey, I want to sleep with him too." I say feeling embarrassed by my honesty.

Grace: "Then it is quite fortunate that I have a large bed, and it's first come first serve." She smirks amusedly.

Then, without any warning, Melissa hops into the air and lands onto Robin's chest and curls up like a cat. Thus starting the race for a spot on the bed with Robin.

I had wanted to ask about what happens now after his confession, but I suppose that will have to wait until the morning.

Time skip brought to you by chibi girls all sleeping next to Robin, ZZZs emitting from the bed

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