Chapter Forty-Two

Start from the beginning

She turned her face back up to his. She was smiling. "I don't believe that for one minute", she said.

He picked her up and wrapped her legs around him anyway. As she bent her face back down to his and started kissing him again, he kicked his shoes off and walked upstairs.


"I had an idea", Brad said as we were getting dressed.

"What, like, while we were-?"

He chuckled. "No. Earlier. I know we're not doing super traditional but are you going to have Andy give you away?"

The thought made me tear up. I froze with my pants only halfway on and stared at Brad through my tears.

"Ohhhh, that would mean so much to him! To me! Yes, thank you, darling!", I said, grabbing his face and kissing him. "Thank you for thinking of that!"

He smiled proudly.

"I'll let the pastor know that detail", I said. "Were you thinking we should talk to Andy about that tonight?"

"Yes", he said as I got my pants all the way on. "Because there was more to my thought. Can I have Steve be my best man?  I was thinking he could simply hold the rings. He doesn't need to do anything else".

"Oh, Brad", I said, tearing up again. "You are the sweetest man! That will touch Steve so much! Please, yes! I'll bring the rings tonight and he can hold onto them".

Brad smiled again.

He was such a fantastic human.


Bre was holding, and gushing over, baby Gianna as they waited for a table. Brad and Paige had not yet arrived, and Steve was chatting with Andy.

Steve had been a lot better since Brad yelled at him, and while Steve never told her about the conversation, his behavior had improved, which meant he took it to heart. Steve had been more attentive, and had taken to telling her quite frequently how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. She hadn't yet gotten a chance to thank Brad.

Then suddenly there they were. The attractive couple that were Brad and Paige blew in the front door, and every eye in the vicinity was drawn to them. Brad was casually gorgeous and Paige was strikingly beautiful. They also looked insanely happy. Bre felt the nagging wound in her chest crack open a little again as she watched her husband's head pop up.

"Hey guys!", he called out.

They waved and hung up their jackets by the door then made their way over. Bre kept her attention on Gi's precious face to distract her from the negative emotions brewing.

"That baby looks good on you", Brad said quietly in his deep voice next to her, and comfortably draped his arm across her shoulders.

"Hiya, baby", he said to Gi, whose face was immediately drawn to his. She instantly smiled and squeaked at him.

Bre absolutely melted. "Oh my gosh, that was so cute!", she said, tearing up.

Gi continued watching Brad and smiled again.

"Goodness, she adores you!", Bre said, glancing at his face next to hers.

He was smiling lovingly at the baby in her hands.

"You want her?", Bre asked.

He didn't say anything but took Gi from her, tucking her confidently in his arm like a little football and stroking her fuzzy brown head.

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