An Argument in the Burrow

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I'd never been scared of the Burrow, or its occupants until today; but it was difficult and for some reason terrifying to go back to my old home.

The moment I left the floo, eyes were on me. I only watched them for a second but noticed that everyone looked very concerned. I lowered my gaze to the floor. Everyone was there, except Percy of course: mum, dad, Charlie, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Bill. There was also a pretty blonde girl who I'd stared at a beat too long before looking down. Merlin, for an instant I'd thought it was Zephy, but I'm pretty sure it's Bill's girlfriend who George had told me about. 

I hadn't seen Bill in a while and I thought he might come over to us and hug me but he didn't. Charlie I hadn't seen since before Zephy had died which was fine by me.

"Hi everyone," George said, in the voice I recognised as 'if I don't make them laugh they'll cry' voice, "terrible traffic on the way over."

A few people forced titters, which made me feel like we were at a strangers dinner party - not a close family gathering. 

"Where's Harry? Merlin knows we wouldn't have come if it were just you lot here," George joked. 

There was a pregnant pause before Ron said, "he's with Dumbledore going through Sirius' will."

I heard a hiss from mum that was probably a scolding for bringing up anything to do with Sirius and Zephy. She might have even given everyone a lecture when she found out that I would be coming over. 

"Ahh, okay. Is that a pot of tea?" George said, continuing without missing a beat. 

George was incredible. How he'd put up with me was completely unknown to me - I knew he barely slept and didn't have time to cook dinner. It's why any energy I could summon I dedicated to helping with the shop - he didn't need more on his plate.

I would have given up on me by now; kicked me out the flat and taken my share of the shop to pay for more staff. Even though I was doing everything I was able I was useless compared to what I should've been like.

He didn't though. George never complained; never asked more of me; he didn't pretend everything was fine or ask me to talk. He'd been a good egg from day one and I loved him more than anything. As the older, more mature, more handsome brother I'd always taken the lead in most of our endeavours. It's not that I didn't think he had it in him to manage everything this well, it was just unexpected. 

George walked forwards and without looking up I followed his feet towards the sofa where he sat down and poured a cup of tea. He passed one to me and I accepted it, knowing I could use it as a way to excuse myself from talking. 

"How are you both doing?" Bill asked, "I haven't seen you in ages." 

I forced myself to make eye contact with him but I sipped my tea instead of answering. 

"We're alright," George said, "you know - surviving, working."

Everyone was focused on our conversation which was uncomfortable. The usual chatter that tended to be the default at the Burrow was just gone. I knew it was my fault.

"Yes, I've heard the shop's going well," Bill said with a smile. The girl he was with stepped closer and placed a hand over his shoulder, "oh yes, and this is my fiancé Fleur." 

I looked down not wanting to look at her. 

"Lovely to meet you," she said, her French accent strong. I remembered her from the Triwizard tournament and lifted my chin in a nod of greeting. 

"You too. Congratulations on the engagement," George said. It's nice having a twin so they can speak for both of you.

A door opened and Dumbledore walked out. 

Enemies - Fred Weasley X OCWhere stories live. Discover now