Merlin, you're an idiot

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I made my way up the steps to Bill's room. The door was closed and I leant in so my ear was closer to the wood and listened. I couldn't hear anything, so slowly reached out and opened the door.

Zephy was sitting on the edge of the bed facing away from the door. I paused, unsure of whether to approach her or speak to her from the doorway. Eventually I decided to walk over and sit on the bed just out of arms reach from her.

"Hey," I said, warily. I leant forward so I could see her face and she looked ashen. She hadn't been crying but there were lines etched on her forehead from frowning and her eyes looked sunken and gaunt. It was a few, long seconds before she replied.


"You alright?"

She nodded, still not turning to look at me, just staring at the far wall with a far off gaze. I moved off the bed so that I was kneeling on the floor in front of her and she was forced to meet my eyes.

"Gin didn't mean that stuff she said. She was just jealous," I reassured, reaching for Zephy's hands.

She nodded again and gulped as she looked at me.

"And she was wrong, of course we should like you, you're - you're - um..." I continued struggling to find the words. I huffed, looking down and let out a quiet "shit" under my breath when I couldn't think of what to say. I looked up again when I heard a soft giggle above me.

"Wonderful speech, Freddie, I'll never forget the time you came up to me and said and I quote 'we should like you. You're shit'." And then laughed again.

"Aw piss off," I groaned, moving to sit next to her and bumping her with my shoulder.

"No. It was real charming!" She laughed at me.

"Here I was thinking you were going through a crisis and needed a pep talk but in reality you just needed to laugh at me!"

"It's not my fault you're an idiot. But come on I want to hear this speech - please continue on how great I am. My advice would be to avoid the word 'shit'."

I groaned loudly. "Nope. Not doing it now. I take back any thought I had of you being a nice person. Ginny was right, you're the worst."

She laughed at me and I looked at her with a sheepish smile. She started to quieten and the smile lowered as her brow creased again. She lay back on the bed again with a sigh.

"Seriously though, are you alright?" I ask, propping myself on my elbow to look at her.

"It's weird when you get serious," she teased.


"I'm fine." 

"You just ran off."

"I was just a bit overwhelmed. I'm not used to having people actually want to talk to me. Then I thought about what Ginny said and I just thought maybe she's right, you know? Maybe I don't... deserve this..." she gestured to the air between herself and Fred.

"Why wouldn't you deserve this?"

Zephy sat back up and looked at me, she didn't speak for a few moments, just looking. She was scared, I realised. But I wasn't sure what of.

"I'm not like you," she stated. "I don't know. I've not had real friends before. I'm a Malfoy we don't do friends. We're more... alliances, and you're all... not good for me. No - I mean - you're too good for me." She scrubbed a hand over her face. "I'm not saying this right. I mean... you're wonderful, so wonderful and it can't be for me. This house, this family, it's not mine. Even if I wanted it to be, it's not mine. My family exists and they're not like this - I'm not like this. I'm not someone's friend, so you must be mistaken or - or - confused, because I can't be... I don't deserve it."

She fiddled with her hands, a strand of blonde hair falling across her face - I wanted to touch her. I wanted to do something, because she was wrong - so, so wrong. 

"You're an idiot." I said eventually.

"Wow, thanks." She huffed.

"No. I mean. Come on, you must know that's all bollocks! You don't have to deserve friends. They just happen. We all got to know you and liked you, it was a simple as that. I mean what is there not to like! You're smart and funny and good at pranks and know things about muggles and even were willing to listen to Charlie rave about dragons for Merlin knows how long! Plus, you forgave me for being a complete and utter nob head. You've done more than enough to show - mppph ----- "

I was cut off by the soft feeling of lips on mine. I'd been too busy looking at my hands to notice how close she'd become and now she was kissing me. I stared at her in surprise and only just got my bearings and was about to kiss back when she pulled away.

"Fuck." She whispered. Pulling back from me and staring wide eyed. "Fuck. I'm sorry. I just - ah," she let out a nervous laugh. Shaking her head as if she couldn't believe her stupidity. "I'm so stupid."

"Stop." I grasped her nervous hands and she stilled and looked at me.

"Sorry." She whispered again and I could feel her wanting to break the intense eye contact and look anywhere else.

"Merlin, you're an idiot - " I said before leaning forward and kissing her soundly. She let out a noise of shock until I moved my hand to caress her cheek, pushing the hair off her face and tangling them in her hair. She began kissing back, still a little timid but gaining confidence. Her lips were soft and I couldn't resist licking her bottom lip with my tongue. A small sound was drawn from the back of her throat and she opened her mouth, deepening the kiss.

It was numbing. Like when you've been sleeping too long and your body doesn't quite wake up. I felt as though I should be analysing what I was doing but I wasn't - I couldn't. All I could do was kiss her and kiss her, and try not to smile like an idiot because it would be unhelpful for the whole kissing thing.

She shuffled closer to me and her hands came to my shoulders. I groaned, completely unintentionally, it was just so nice to have her touch me. To be near her like this.

Eventually, we parted and I opened my eyes, feeling rather light headed. Zephy had a light blush on her cheeks and her lips were red from kisses. I stared, feeling suspended. That was nice. So nice. So nice that nice didn't even cover it. Merlin, I wanted to kiss her again and again, touch her, hold her. 

If I wasn't aware of my crush before, I sure as Salazar did now. 

Zephy stood, her expression unreadable as she crossed the room and darted from the door.

Enemies - Fred Weasley X OCWhere stories live. Discover now