Cats and Corporal Punishment

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I finished packing before Hermione. It was the last day at the Burrow and we were heading back to school at around lunch. I was not excited about it. I didn't want to see my brother, or feel the betrayal he'd done. I didn't want to be back in my dorm with Iphy and Cecilia. I didn't want to leave the warmth of the Burrow or Fred.

I'd spent the last couple days spending in a wash of kisses and happiness. I'd dedicated myself to learning many important things like: Fred likes corner of the mouth kisses the best and has a spot behind his ear that never fails to make him moan. Time well spent, in my opinion.

I'd also just enjoyed having friends. Harry and I had spoken one night for a really long time, able to relate on aspects of our home life that the others couldn't. I was struck by how good he was. He'd been targeted by bullies in school and his cousin Dudley, and often the person bullied turns into the bully or at least becomes hard edged and cynical. Harry never did. He was a good friend and kind. It made me want to be more like him - I knew I was a little hard edged on occasion. 

Charlie continued to be funny and open, with this air of comfort I'd never thought a person who worked with dragons could have. It was like he could solve all my problems if I wanted him to.

Hermione was familiar, I saw much of myself in her. She had a similar sense of humour and a similar respect for kindness in others.

Ron always made me smile.

And George poked fun of me in a way that felt like a natural extension of our history of rivalry, though now it felt almost brotherly.

Even though I was terrified of the future, these two weeks had been heavenly. I think, maybe, the best in my life.

I clambered down stairs with my trunk. It was only eleven in the morning so I was in the sitting room alone. I took out my book and sat in the comfy armchair that faced towards the window to the garden. I'd only been sitting there ten minutes or so when I heard the sound of people coming downstairs and moving into the kitchen. 

"What time do we need to head off?" It was Arthur's voice.

"If we go at one that should give us enough time." It was Mrs Weasley.

I was blocked from view by the end of the staircase and the sides of the big armchair. I thought about getting up and seeing if they needed anything but decided to stay and read my book - Mrs Weasley turned me down every time I asked anyway. I could hear her whispering some charms which I presumed were for cleaning.

"It's been nice having Zephyra here, hasn't it?" Arthur said, conversationally. It made me smile fondly.

Mrs Weasley gave a noncommittal hum before saying, "I did say not to become too attached, dear."

"I know dear, but she is a lovely girl." He paused. "The boys are also very fond of her."

"Yes, well. The twins have always been fond of rebelling, I imagine that she is an extension of that." I closed my eyes at that, leaning against the back of the chair. I didn't want to hear any more but I couldn't stand up now. "Anyway, her and Fred both assured me nothing was going on and George is with Angelina."

"But would it be so terrible if - "

He was cut off by exasperated sigh from Mrs Weasley. "She is a lovely girl, I'm sure. But she's a Slytherin - a Slytherin Malfoy at that. Fred can do better. Anyway, we know what Slytherins are like, this whole thing she's done here was likely an act."

"Molly, I don't think her actions with me have been an act."

"Maybe, maybe not. Either way a few kind words can't erase the fact she's been raised by Lucius Malfoy, nor that the sorting hat chose to put her in Slytherin."

Enemies - Fred Weasley X OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ