Alone Again

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"Calm down, you're acting like an excitable puppy," George scolded. I was bouncing foot to foot, waiting for the carriages to arrive, bringing the students (specifically Zephy) from the train station.

"I'm sorry. Just a week is a long time," I complained. 

"It's felt long for me too."

I cast him a glance. Of course, I was aware I'd been talking about her rather a lot, but I didn't care. Ever since me and Zephy had slept together I'd become acutely aware of the lack of her presence as I settled into bed at night and it was driving me mental. 

We'd had problems before. I knew she didn't trust me with personal things, like her birthday. But after my birthday I trusted that I'd been let in, things would be different now.

Her sharp jibes were also unparalleled and it felt strange not being on the receiving end of them. She really was annoyingly brilliant - although I'm probably a bit bias. 

Finally, the carriages crested the horizon and George had to practically hold me still in my excitement. 

I saw the shine of white hair and darted forward towards the carriage she was vacating.

"Zephy! Zeph."

She looked up, panic laced on her face, it halted me in my tracks. What on Earth?

She walked briskly towards me but her eye-line was over my shoulder at the castle.

"I can't talk now. Meet at our spot tonight," she whispered, still not looking at me.

I looked at her baffled but she didn't stop moving. She strode up the castle steps and inside as fast as she could without running.

"What was that?" George asked, looking as confused as me.

"No idea," I replied.

Something was wrong. I'd seen Zephy angry and I'd seen her upset but she'd never ignored me like that.

"Did something happen at home? Oh Merlin, what if she's pregnant" George joked.

"Shut up," I laughed.


I spent the time before I would be meeting her in the common room. George was trying to get me to play exploding snap, but I was distracted and he quickly gave up.

We traded theories on what might be wrong. George's was that I'd been shit in bed, which made me hit him. I thought it could be something wrong with her family, like her mum was sick or something.

I tried not to think about whether it was something I'd done, that was too painful to contemplate. 

When I finally left for the secret passage, George gave me a thumbs up. 

"It'll be fine!" He assured before I walked through the portrait hole. 

Walking there was filled with unease. I was worried about her and selfishly I was worried about how it would affect me. 

"Hi," I greeted. She was already there waiting for me.

I hoped she would walk forward, hug me, kiss, but she didn't. Zephy looked up, eyeing me with a look that only confirmed something was definitely wrong. 

"Hi," she replied.

I moved forward, reaching out for her but she took a step back and put her arms out to stop me.

"Please don't. I can't do this if you come closer," she said. Her voice was soft, resigned in a way I'd never heard it. 

"Can't do what?"

Enemies - Fred Weasley X OCWhere stories live. Discover now