• Chapter 2 •

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The three of them went to the Salvatore Boarding House. Kol kicked the front door and invite himself inside. The Salvatore brother's, the Gilbert's and Bonnie was shocked to see Kol being alive, Klaus free from the barrier and a girl with a murderous glare on her face.

"Well well well, it's nice to see that kind of a reaction you all have" Klaus said taking a step closer to them. Kol, Klaus and Scarlet can see the map on the young Gilberts body.

"So that map is going to lead you to finding the cure huh?" Scarlet pointed her hand on Jeremy. Damon looked at her confused of who she is.

"Who the hell are you?" Damon looked at Scarlet. She didn't answer his question.

"How are you alive?" Elena asked looking at Kol with fear in her eyes. She's afraid of what his going to do to all of them.

"And how are free from the spell?" Bonnie asked Klaus. Getting herself ready if anything happens.

"Well now that you mention it" Scarlet look at Jeremy and wave her hands at him. The tattoo on his body starts to disappear. Everyone except Kol was surprise to what's happening.

"What are you doing?" Elena asked her not knowing what to do. Damon speed her only getting flung against the wall of the other side. Kol stood in front of her and glaring at Damon.

"Try to hurt her and I will rip your insides and feed it to you" he sneer at the older Salvatore. Everyone except Sacrlet was surprised of Kol's protectiveness over the red headed girl they didn't know.

Jeremy was still looking at his tattoo disappearing from his body. Until the last ink was gone. He look up and glanced at Scarlet.

"Who is she?" Jeremy asked Bonnie. She looked at him and shrugged, Kol heard them talking and answered there question.

"Well obviously you don't know her" pointing at Scarlet and he turned to his brother, "And you wanted to know who she really is and why she's helping me".

"Yes Kol I'm out of patience of not knowing who she is" Klaus answered his brother.

"Well she has a name" Scarlet pointed herself of out. She rolled her eyes at all of them. Bonnie knowing she's a witch by making the map disappeared from Jeremy's body she walk a little further in front of them.

"Why are you helping them if your a witch?" Bonnie asked Scarlet. "We don't serve vampires from what they need". She tried to make Scarlet change her mind of who she should be siding with.

Scarlet look at her weirdly and asked
"Me serving anyone? There's no way I serve someone other than myself" she stared at Bonnie with a scoff and disbeleif look on her face then suddenly she started laughing. All of them look at her with a slight fear even Klaus and Kol.

"I'm Scarlet Potter-Mikaelson, the wife of the Original Vampire that you just killed earlier this evening" Everybody looked shocked even Klaus was surprised to know his younger brother was married. Kol watched in amusement as he know's what's going to happen next.

"You know I don't like the way you treated my husband" she says to everyone who's in the room. "So what are we going to do with that huh?" She asked looking at each one of them.

She raised her hand at the Salvatore brothers and put them at the other side of the room and trap them in a boundary spell. Bonnie raise her hands to try and take down Scarlet but key word try and she was unsuccessful. Scarlet watched everything Bonnie was trying to do.

"Oh honey you can't take me" she raised her hand and pushed Bonnie forward near her and the Mikaelson brothers and also trap her. Scarlet also trap Jeremy in the back and Elena was trying to find a way to released her friends from Scarlet.

"Please don't hurt them" she desperately said to Scarlet.

She raise her hands at Elena and made her feel weak so she doesn't do anything stupid.

"How are you going to feel if I kill your brother right in front of you huh?" Scarlet slowly walk to Elena.

Elena looked at Jeremy then back to Scarlet. She's shaking her head trying to say something but she's in a lot of pain.

Klaus walked over to the brother's but Kol put his hand on his shoulder and shake his head.

"Don't do anything if you want to live another day" he warned him in a whispered voice. Klaus looked at Scarlet then to the brothers then back to Kol. He nodded his head and went to sit on the couch.

Scarlet continued to interrogate Elena. While everyone is trap everywhere in the room.


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