There were no words to describe how I felt in that moment. Niko describing how much I helped him, that I was his home made me feel more loved than ever before, my heart was jumping and melting at the same time and for a second, I was speechless. It took me a while until I eventually responded that he described my feelings pretty well and that this was exactly how I felt with him. „Thank you", I whispered after we shared another long, almost loving kiss.

The way I kissed him was definitely loving but the other way around... Probably not. I was still convinced that Niko wasn't ready to fall in love again and therefore, I must have misunderstood the way he was kissing me as loving. Yet all his tender touches and his words told me something different. I couldn't understand what was going on his mind and his heart but I knew what my heart was screaming for: It wanted me to finally admit my feelings but I was too afraid he wouldn't have the same feelings or wouldn't be ready to have another relationship. His words after I almost slept with him were pretty clear, weren't they? He was afraid to fall in love again, so probably I truly misunderstood his way of behaving around me. But since I loved him so badly, I couldn't stop myself from allowing him to kiss me and be this close to me. He simply meant too much to me.

„Thank you", I whispered again after a while, „Thank you for being here with me, you make me feel a lot stronger, especially mentally." „Sofia, you don't have to thank me for that... That comes naturally to me. And believe me, the boys would say the same. You are part of our family, of our wolfpack. We will always help and support you and help you find to yourself again when you deviated from the right path. Together, we can do anything, okay? You can always ask any of the boys for help, we'll all help you. You are important to each of us, maybe even more important to Tommi and me, but we all want the best for you."

His words meant so much to me, especially that not only he and Tommi were always there to support me, but the whole wolfpack was. He said I'm part of their wolfpack. I couldn't believe that. I had never been part of a group of friends, I'd either been on my own or I had Tommi but I'd never been in a bigger group – apart from the friends at university, but to be honest, they weren't real friends. At least most of them. But I'd never call them my family in contrast to the boys who definitely are my second, self chosen family.

Again, I wanted to thank him but I knew Niko would only tell me that there was no need to thank him. Thus, I decided to place another tender kiss on his lips, hoping he'd feel the thankfulness in it. After a few seconds, I could feel how he loosened the grip around my waist to cup my cheek with his right hand while his left hand pulled me closer to his body. With his right thumb, Niko softly caressed my cheek until it wandered to the back of my hand and started to play with a few strands of my long hair.

„Now, if you still want to, let's go back to the tattoo studio. We should choose the one you saw when we enjoyed our time. I know one of the artists there, he does a great job. One of my bigger tattoos is done by him", Niko eventually suggested. „I still want to", I answered firmly. After another soft kiss, Niko grinned and said „Well then... Let's go and hope Taavi works today", before we turned around and went back to the tattoo studio.

After a while, Niko's hand found its way out of the pocket of his jacket to my hand. Carefully, he pulled it out of the warmth of my own jacket and slid his hand into mine. After intertwining our fingers, he smiled at me and started to caress the back of my hand. He only stopped and withdrew his hand from mine as we almost reached the studio and saw people who'd soon cross our way.

„Niko Moilanen, to what do I owe the honor of seeing you here in our studio again?", we – or rather Niko – were greeted by a tall man, whose skin was completely covered with tattoos, as we entered the small studio. „Hei Taavi! My friend Sofia wants to turn a part of her skin into a piece of art", Niko explained and pointed at me. „Hello Sofia! So, where do you want me to ink you and what should it be? If it's not too big, we can do it now. The man who had an appointment for a few hours canceled it an hour ago, so lucky you."

A bit overwhelmed, I looked at Niko. I had no idea what he had in mind, I didn't know how long it would take. „She wants me to choose a motive and surprise her. But it won't take too long, you won't need several hours", he luckily explained for me. „Oh, wow. Then lets go to the room next door and we can develop something together. Or do you have something specific in mind? Sofia, you can just take a seat on one of the chairs here and grab yourself a drink", Taavi smiled at me and motioned for Niko to follow him. „Yeah, I have something specific in mind but maybe you can still help me developing it", Niko said before he followed Taavi.

„Sofia trusts you to choose a tattoo for her without approving it beforehand? Niko, my dear, keep that girl, she must like you a lot and entrust her life to you", Taavi said as they were walking away. Oh no, that man believes we are a couple. Hopefully Niko tells him we're not, otherwise our plan that social media won't find out about me, will fail, I thought. But unfortunately, I couldn't hear Niko's answer anymore, it was too quiet. With a sigh leaving my mouth, I took my phone out of my jacket pocket. I hadn't checked my messages since Anna rang my doorbell the day before, so probably there were a few messages waiting to be read.

A rather short chapter today. What do you think Niko has in mind? And who has massaged her and why? And does Niko love her or is this comfortable feeling around her only a feeling of close friendship? Tell me what you think! And tell me, what do you think will happen in the next few chapters? I can tell you, with every chapter, it'll probably be more interesting ;)

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelWhere stories live. Discover now