(Her whip ⬆)

Someone once again rushed her and this time it was Carmilla, Y/n once again tried to use her whip to capture Carmilla but before she could do that, she had to dodge to the side. Some kind of big gorilla was standing next to Linnae ready to beat her to a pulp.

The gorilla, Carmilla, and Jinka all attacked her at the same time and Y/n tried her best to dodge or block their attack but it didn't work that well. Instead, when she saw an opening, she jumped in the air and flew at high speed to Linnae, stabbing her in the stomach with her sword before she slashed off one of her arms.

 Instead, when she saw an opening, she jumped in the air and flew at high speed to Linnae, stabbing her in the stomach with her sword before she slashed off one of her arms

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(The first form of her sword in her demon form ⬆)

Linnae: *shout in pain and clutch the place where her left arm was*

Y/n: *a tear escapes her eye* (why does it hurt me when I hurt them?!)

Y/n once again dodged a blow from Fubuki but this time with her mind all over the place she couldn't dodge Carmilla's attack. Y/n coughed blood and when she looked down, she saw that many spears made out of blood had embedded themselves into her body making it impossible for her to move. While that was happening Y/n started to see or remember things, she looked at Artoria and she saw an image of herself and Artoria smiling at each other while they were on a bridge, she looked at Linnae and saw an image of her carrying an unconscious Linnae bridal style before she kissed her forehead. But before she could ponder any further on what those images were, she started to feel sleepy. But before she passed out, she said two words, two words that her ex-mates heard and gave them hope.

Y/n: Arti...Foxy...? *close her eyes*

------------Meanwhile with Hel---------------

Hel:...what was that? Those images...were they memories?

As Hel was asking herself questions she saw that two small lights started shining in the gloomy part of Y/n's inner self. They were the big cottage on top of the mountains and the house which was similar to the temple humans built in Asia.

Hel:...it's extremely faint but...I swear I can feel the energy of someone else.

-----------Back with the princesses---------

The princess stood cautiously around Y/n's body in case of a sudden attack but instead, they saw that Y/n's demonic features started to slowly disappear. While that was happening Artoria was still against the tree holding her bleeding stomach when the sound of bushes moving was heard from behind her.

Then something warm started spreading into her body before it focussed on her wound and after a moment there was only a scar remaining.

Artoria: *groans while she gets up* dammit it sucks to not have regeneration!

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