Her words hit me so hard, maybe if I had seen her first things would be different. 

"I love you" is all I can say right now. Whats worse is I don't know how I mean it. All I know is I do. 

"I love you too" she whispers back. 

I watch as she walks out of the room. Right now Soojins not here but I think that's a good thing right now. I just hope one day I don't regret letting Minnie walk out that door. 


Soojins Pov 

I guess me and shuhua need to finally have the talk. Do I know what i'm going to say, not really. Do I still love her, more than anything. But is that enough? I don't know. Talking with Jennie actually helped me clear my head, iv'e been going crazy talking about it by myself. 

Another thing, this house. Was it really meant for me and her? curiosity gets the better of me, I want to have a closer look. The time says its 12:32am so she'll probably still be asleep. I quietly get out of bed and put on my slippers. I open the door and look at the hallway, I can see light from the kitchen and living room but that's normal jennies always been been afraid of the dark. 

I run my hand along the hall way wall, from the dim light I can see some photos, some with her family, some with the blackpink girls, but the walls still look empty like she's waiting to fill them up. I go down the small steps and look around properly, the kitchen is huge and open with an island. I love that the windows there are so open and high looking out to the back yard, from what I can see there's fairy lights next to the outdoor fire pit. Its beautiful and peaceful, I walk to the living room and its so spacious, the ceilings are high, and like the kitchen the windows are huge and theres a small chandelier hanging. I smile looking at the design, its so Jennie. She's created her own little world, I'm happy she finally has a safe space. As I look around though it doesn't feel complete yet. 

"Soojin?" I let out a little scream. 

"Yah, unnie" oh god I just called her unnie. 

"Unnie huh" she says with a smirk. 

"Shut up" I mumble with a little pout. 

she giggles and moves to where I am. 

"Couldn't sleep" I ask. were by the big window looking out, its peaceful. 

"Something like that" she says tiredly. I look at what she's wearing and try to hold in my laugh at her fluffy pyjamas that have cute pink hearts on them. She rubs her eyes like a child and the act looks so innocent. 

"Nice pyjamas" I say and smile. She blinks like she's trying to understand my words, she looks down and then whines and hits me softly.  

"What are you doing" she says. 

"I was curious about the house so I had a little look, its so you" she smiles cutely and looks around. 

"I know, I love it" 

"I'm happy you finally have a place that yours" she hums as her reply and looks outside the window. I think this is the first time in a while since I've seen her like this. No makeup, no fronts for the camera just her. I turn away not wanting to get lost. 

I slowly walk around the lounge area, I make my way around the place looking closely at the layout. Something catches my attention, it's a photo hanging by its self.  As I take a closer look my heart aches at the photo. Of course its me and her, a photo we took when we were just friends, we look so young even though it wasn't that long ago I can see the changes in both of us. I move my hand to touch the photo a pained smile makes it way onto my face, I feel her hand on my own pulling me away. 

I move to look at her and she has a guilty pained expression. 

"I'm sorry, I'll take the photo down" She says and is about to move it, as she is about to take it down, l suddenly panicked and without thinking I back hug her tightly.

"Don't" I say in a whisper. She stiffens In my arms and tries to crane her head to the side to look at me, I bury my face in her shoulder to cover my face. She turns around still in my arms instead of asking why, she just hugs me tightly.  It feels nice just holding her for once without a reason, without the baggage of our past. 

"Can you hold me tonight" she says quietly. I stay silent, having an inner battle with myself. I feel her pull away, but I don't let her. 


"I've missed you so much soo" she says her voice shaky. 

"I miss you too" Admitting that feels like a weight has been lifted, I feel like I'm finally moving forward from the hurt for real this time. 

I forgive you jen. 




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