Cathee With Two EEs

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Hi Scrubber Towners and Dark Parkers, Lacey here to bring you all the goss from Delfine's Academy of Beauty. I told Stace that she should really be in charge of writing this, as, after all, she's the one who goes to the Academy. Lainie does too, so she could have volunteered to write it. But they both reckon they're too busy. Doing what? I guess Lainie's got a new boyfriend and is wasting time with him. He is rather a waste of space, but Stace? Not sure. Hope she isn't keeping any secrets from me.

Anyway, Delfine has decided that she'd like more days off and to just work part-time.

Geez, Delfine, it's your business venture, but Stace and Lainie think she's lazy and would just like someone to do most of the work for her, so she's hired this chick called Cathee, who's a part-time makeup artist at Channel One, the One and Only One. Cathee was looking for more work, so she told Delfine's girls that she jumped at the chance of this incredible opportunity.

Really? Incredible offer? She doesn't know what she's buying into. In a word-chaos. After a few months Delfine's students know very little, fighting amongst themselves when they're more often than not left to their own devices. Also, several nasty little cliques have formed. The studio is always a filthy mess and Delfine constantly screams at the girls to bloody clean up, while she herself goes outside to smoke, eat lollies and take pain pills. More about Delfine's little habit later.

 More about Delfine's little habit later

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Anyway, back to Cathee. When Delfine introduced her, she sort of pranced into the room and she jingled, cos she wore necklaces and bracelets with small bells. She has unruly long dark hair, which the fashion mags call bedroom hair and Lainie and Stace are kind of envious about her hair. She wears false eyelashes, which also look cool as she has the knack of applying them properly; they're not all clumpy and heavy, but then Cathee's had plenty of practice. Hope she includes application of false lashes in her lessons, cos then Stace and Lainie can pass the tips onto me.

When she opened her mouth to introduce herself. She said

Girls, my name is Cathee, spelt with two ees and could you please try to pronounce it that way. I'm all about peace and harmony, though I can't feel much harmony in this room. We'll have to work on that.

Stace said Delfine looked really angry when Cathee said that. Before we start class, I'll get you to do some breathing exercises and ree-laxing before we commence.

There was much nudging of elbows and rolling of eyes when she said that and an undercurrent of whispers hummed around the room, such as who is this flaky bitch and wanker. Stace likes the word flaky to describe Cathee. She says it fits her to a T.

Delfine then cut in and said in her best fake and patronizing voice, which she uses to try to impress people, not that it ever does.

Sounds good bi***s, I mean girleez. I'll leave you in Cathee's capable hands. Do you all know that Cathee also works as a make-up artist at Channel One, the One and Only One?

Dark ParkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora