Daring to Date Dale, Part One.

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Remember when we told you about Rubi-Redd Sidney, the Beauvais Heights princess, having a stalker? Well you might find this hard to believe, but she's actually gone on a date with him. Yes, we know, crazy isn't it? The idea of stuck-up Rubi-Redd going out with Dale Vale, who's the Dark Park and Scrubber-Town groundsman seems ludicrous, right? By the way, ludicrous is another word that Dr Una supplied for us.

Dale's been acting really weird lately, or weirder that usual, like waiting outside Delfine's every afternoon just so he can see Rubi come out. Sometimes he brings her a present, like droopy flowers and he puts love notes in her letterbox. Unfortunately he knows where she lives. We're not sure whether Col Sidney knows, but if he did, there'd be hell to pay, for Dale that is.

You're most likely all asking the same question we are, which is why? Why on earth would she go out with him? We're quite sure she doesn't actually like him. Well, it appears that she accepted a dare, from none other than that other little Beauvais Heights princess, best friend Leanne Lyons.

One afternoon, Dale Vale was waiting outside Delfine's, as he usually does and when Rubi appeared, Dale pleaded with her to go out with him; that he really loved her and he felt sure that she'd come to love him too. It was very pathetic and embarrassing and everyone was laughing and pointing. Some were taking photos on their phones. Rubi and Leanne turned to walk away and were whispering and giggling. Dale told his audience to piss off and he'd come after them if they didn't stop laughing at him. Finally Rubi and Leanne walked back towards Dale and Rubi told him that yes, she'd go out with him but only once and on condition that he stopped coming to Delfine's every afternoon and to stop putting notes in her letter-box. Dale replied that he supposed he could do that but wasn't sure. Rubi told him that if he didn't, she'd tell her dad everything and her father would go straight to the police.

 Rubi told him that if he didn't, she'd tell her dad everything and her father would go straight to the police

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Rubi's father Col would go straight to the police, Rubi told Dale, but is she going to tell dad?

Anyway, we want to tell you about all the juicy details. Will we get sued? No, cos it's all over Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; ie Rubi's version of course.

Rubi has been coy about her date being a dare. She claims to be telling all on social media to warn all Beauvais Heights and Emu Heights girls (other suburbs don't count)against dating gardeners, cleaners and any other random tradespeople, who she says are all psychopaths and after Beauvais Heights money.

Here's our version, some of which Stace picked up by sly eavesdropping and a few extra little morsels for your entertainment

It was arranged that Leanne would go to the same movie, in disguise, in case Dale started acting weird and Rubi wanted to come home.

It was arranged that Leanne would go to the same movie, in disguise, in case Dale started acting weird and Rubi wanted to come home

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Rubi-Redd arranged to meet Dale inside the Beauvais Heights Cinema Complex. No delapidated Dark Park hall for Rubi. 

Dale had wanted to go to Rubi's house and walk to the cinema from there, but Rubi said 'no way', as we hear she hadn't even told her father or sisters about the dare. There was also the issue of being seen walking with Dale, which someone like Rubi would definitely not do; in fact we're with Rubi on that one. We wouldn't want to be seen with him either. 

Part Two is up next; See what happens at the cinema.

Leanne and Lyndal snuck into Beauvais Heights cinema and sat several rows behind Rubi and Dale

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Leanne and Lyndal snuck into Beauvais Heights cinema and sat several rows behind Rubi and Dale.

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