Sitting in the Bogan Bar Watching Scrubber-Town Go By

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Hi Scrubber-Towners, it's Lacey and Stacey back again. This evening we're in the Bogan Bar for Happy Hour. We kind of spend a lot of time here, we know, but today we really, really need a Happy-Hour or two. We've both had, like, such a crap day and both got into heaps of trouble. I got into strife at War Paint because this stupid self-obsessed bitch of a woman brought back all the make-up she'd bought the week before. I remember her cos she took up so much time and other people were sighing and moaning because I wasn't serving them. Scrubber-town management won't pay for extra staff, which isn't my fault. Anyway I really went out of my way to help this old slag (she was about 40, so ancient) and I thought she was happy with her stuff. Anyway, apparently not, cos she brought it all back and insisted I refund it because she'd developed allergies. So I like refunded it all as I just wanted to get rid of her, but Marissa my boss overheard and threw a hissy-fit. She called me into her office and lectured me about store policy and other bullshit. She even hinted that I could lose my job. She told me the woman concerned was a known trouble-maker and often pulled this sort of stunt and how could I not know? I tried explaining that I'd never seen her before last week, but Marissa didn't seem to believe me, or didn't want to. She checked all the tubes and jars and sure enough they had been used. Oh crap. Marissa won't let me forget this; she bangs on about stuff long after everyone else has forgotten. I feel like going to look for a new job. Maybe I could go to Asteroid Air and inquire about their new call centre. They're recruiting right now and if those dumb ass bimbos from Dark Park Detention Centre can be hired, so can I without any problem. Trouble is I'd end up yelling at or abusing people on the other end of the phone. I hate phones, so guess there's not much point applying.

Poor old Stace copped heaps too at Delfine's. Delfine paired all the girls up to trial a new herbal facial massage. Stacey got stuck with that spoilt little Beauvais Heights princess, Rubi-Redd. Rubi started squawking that Stacey was scratching her and giving her a rash. Stace threw the stuff she was using across the room and then told Rubi-Redd that nothing would match the gravel rash she already had by groveling to Delfine. Of course Rubi-Redd started blubbing, upon which Delfine came rushing in and blasted Stace (without even asking for her side of the story). Delfine gave little miss Drama-queen Rubi the afternoon off for retail therapy, but told Stace she'd have to work with her (Delfine). Naturally Delfine picked on her every move and got Stacey thoroughly pissed-off and confused. She's going to speak to Delfine about not being partnered with Rubi-Redd in future, as this isn't the first time it's happened. Good luck with that, Stace. So that's why we're here in the Bogan Bar drowning our sorrows and being depressed and sorry for ourselves. We've just been joined by Lainie (my cousin) and Whitney. I'm not in the mood for Whitney who's like all cheerful. She just said that she can make us feel better by telling us all about her beach-wedding which is going to be next February. Great, Whitney, it's the hottest part of the year and we'll all get fried. That's all Whitney talks about these days, her fiancé Ron Pond and how successful he is. Duh, he's just a dodgy used-car salesman at Dark Park and he's a real sleaze: always eyeing off other girls even when he's out with Whitney. She just says he's a typical guy and we're only jealous. So pardon me while I just zone out and watch the other people in the bar.

OMG, there's Tatiana, Komik Kal's wife, though I haven't seen her out with Kal for ages. She's supposed to be busy with her new model agency, Strut Girl, which is doing really well, unfortunately, and is one of the top agencies in the city. Tonight she's with a real hunky guy, who I imagine is a male model, judging by the way he looks. Wouldn't be surprised if he's gay, not that that would deter Tatiana from making a move on him. She said once that if any woman could cure a guy of being gay, she could. As if. Tonight she's wearing a fire-engine red bandage dress, shorter and tighter even than usual and she kind of looks like she's been freshly botoxed. She loves attention. I hate Tatiana. We both do.

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