I 17 I Laurents and Secrets

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As Alexander scanned the classroom, ignoring Mrs Weasley's short scream at the sight of a weeping Ginny, a brief sigh escaped from his lungs. Professor Dumbledore stood beaming by the mantelpiece, next to Professor McGonagall, who took great, steadying gasps, clutching her chest.

Alexander closed his eyes and his limbs fell loose, head tilting backwards. He had never met his grandfather's absence with such relief ever. Yet, a small part of him stung with disappointment, which confused him immensely.

How could he desire to confront his grandfather and not set eyes upon him simultaneously? It didn't seem possible, but neither did this whole thing.

As much as he tried to push his insistent thoughts away from the forefront of his mind, they popped up again like a continuous jack-in-the-box, taunting him and driving him insane.

Grandfather, a follower of Voldemort? It was just . . . well, absurd. Riddle had to be lying, he was that type of person. But not just a mere follower, one of Voldemort's best men. Grandfather was part of the reason why so many people died in the first wizarding war. He must have had a hand in it.

There was a heaviness behind his eyes and a small creeping of nausea in his throat. He wondered what he would have done if Grandfather had been right in front of him. Would he keep silent or shout and scream until his voice ached? Even lash out.

He glanced up and saw Ginny within her father's embrace. He had just about time to peer at Fawkes, who was perched on Professor Dumbledore's shoulder when Alexander found himself swept into Mrs Weasley's tight embrace.

'You saved her! You saved my daughter! How did you do it?'

Alexander mustered up a polite half-smile, not having the energy for anything else, as he stared into the teary eyes of Ron's mother. 'It was nothing, Mrs Weasley. I'm just happy Ginny got out alive.' The woman choked out a half-sob and brought him into her arms once again.

'I think we'd all like to know how you did it,' said Professor McGonagall weakly as Mrs Weasley released Alexander and walked back to her husband and daughter. Professor Dumbledore looked equally intrigued.

Alexander allowed Harry to explain whole events. He wasn't in a very talkative mood and could feel the dried blood of the basilisk sticking to his clothes and skin.

Tiredness was quickly consuming him; he placed a palm on a nearby table, leaning all his weight on his arm and closing his eyes. Their voices became a buzz in the background. The sudden blackness was a fresh, soothing respite against all the worried faces.

' It was mostly just luck,' came Harry's voice, who then grasped Alexander's attention as he continued, 'and I couldn't have done it alone. I probably would have died if it weren't for them. Alexander was a huge help and well '

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