I 10.2 I Of Ineptitude and Snakes

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Anyone reading this chapter first should know that I double updated today. So, you'd have to read the previous chapter before this one. Thanks for reading!


The petrification of Colin Creevey did not stay hidden for long. By Monday morning, the atmosphere around the castle was suddenly thick with rumour and suspicion. Hushed whispers like "attack", "monster", and "Chamber" were thrown around. The first years were now moving around the castle in tight-knit groups, scared they would be attacked if they ventured alone.

Meanwhile, Alexander had started noticing several talismans, amulets, and other protective devices that were sweeping the school. During breakfast, when the post arrived, even Neville had bought a large, evil-smelling green onion, a pointed purple crystal, and a rotting newt tail.

'Neville, don't you think this is a bit much,' said Alexander gently.

'No,' said an adamant Neville, a few seats down, 'that monster is out attacking students, and I'm most likely next.'

'Aren't you forgetting that you're a Pureblood and therefore unlikely to be attacked?'

'They went for Filch first.' Neville's round face was fearful. 'And everyone knows I'm almost a Squib.'

'Yeah, but you ain't,' jumped in Seamus, overhearing, 'you can still do Magic. Relax, Neville, no one's going to touch you.'

While Neville was worried about being attacked, Nia was not concerned at all. She believed the situation to be something that'll pass in a month or two. She was much more preoccupied with passing her exams than becoming the next victim. Neither Alexander nor Helen could decide if this naïve mentality was good or bad.

A few minutes after Neville received his goods, Apollo swooped down into the Hall with a clutched letter. He threw it to Alexander, who swiftly caught it before it landed on his eggs and sausages. He ripped open the envelope and read over the elegant handwriting:


I hope this letter finds you well.

I wanted to inform you that I am not going to France for the holidays. I have a business to attend here in London with the Ministry. Therefore, you will have to come home for Christmas this year. This is not a negotiation, so do not put your name down on the list for staying over. We have a few formal events and gatherings to attend, and as my grandson and a Laurent, it is expected of you to attend, by my side. The press will also be there to take our photos. I know this has come as a shock and a disappointment for you, as you were wanting to spend time with your friends, but it is necessary. I shall send Eliot with the car round to pick you up from the platform.

As for your previous letter, I am glad to see that you are taking initiative for your education independently. I am aware of the legend of the Chamber of Secrets, but I'm sorry to say that I simply know very little. The news of the Chamber opening leaked over to France during the time as well. It was in a small section of the French papers for a couple of days; there was much wild speculation as to the nature of the monster within the Chamber, but the real truth is that no one knows to this day.

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