I 05 I Blond Imbeciles

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Alexander woke the next day as rested as ever. The previous night's recuperation made him bright-eyed and energised. People hadn't forgotten about their little adventure in the flying car, because when Alexander made his way to the Great Hall, some students from other Houses stared while muttering followed him. Alexander couldn't help himself, he smiled back, basking in the admiration.

Hermione was already sitting on the Gryffindor table. The four long House tables were laden with tureens of porridge, plates of kippers, mountains of toast, and dishes of eggs and bacon. She had her copy of Voyages with Vampires propped open against a milk jug. Neville sat near her as well, placing some toast on his plate. Alexander made his way over to the table and sat opposite her.

'Good morning, Alexander,' said Neville cheerfully, spreading butter on his toast.

'Hey, Neville. Good to see you, mate,' he said, placing eggs and bacon on his plate. 'Good summer?'

'It was alright,' shrugged Neville, 'Gran didn't let me go out much but I got to look after the plants in our Greenhouse by myself for the first time.'

Neville didn't seem to have much of a problem with yesterday compared to Hermione, who was eyeing him with pursed lips. Alexander guessed she was still reproachful of their actions.

'Morning, Hermione,' he said with a half-smile, cutting up his bacon. 'That book any good?'

She glanced up and nodded stiffly. She paused and shot a glimpse at Neville, making sure he wasn't paying attention, before saying in a quiet tone, 'You said you were going to tell me what happened.'

Dean and Seamus had arrived which meant Neville wasn't paying attention to them. Alexander narrated the events. How the barrier was closed and the three boys couldn't get through; how they tried everything but the train had left; how Ron suggested they take the car instead (Hermione scowled at this) to Hogwarts. When he had finished, Hermione's face had softened and she appeared much more thoughtful though also a tad worried.

'You were right to think that it's suspicious,' she replied carefully, 'I mean the closing of the barrier has never been mentioned before in Hogwarts: A History.'

'Remind me how many times you've read that book,' he smirked.

She ignored his jest as Harry and Ron appeared at that point, looking refreshed and cheerful. Harry greeted Hermione while Ron immediately stacked food into his mouth. There was a slight stiffness in the way she said 'Morning,' back to the two boys which told Alexander that she was still disapproving of the way they had arrived.

'Mail's due any minute – I think Gran's sending a few things I forgot,' stated Neville, squinting up for any sign.

Alexander froze for a second, mid-bite, then chewed slowly. Dieu, he'd forgotten about Grandfather's response. A flurry erupted in his stomach and he swallowed hard. He prayed Grandfather wouldn't be too hard on him.

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