I 01 I The Worst Evening

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A dark-haired twelve-year-old boy sat on the smooth ledge of his bedroom window which perched open. He gazed out into the far distance. Trees swayed in the evening's breeze. The summer sun set in the sky like fresh colours brushed upon an artist's canvas. The orange-gold stretched far and wide, the colour of fire hearths and tangerines, which reminded him of the Gryffindor common room. Alexander was waiting for Apollo, his owl, to return with letters from his friends.

'Alex,' called a deep voice. Eliot appeared in the doorway, and he was so tall that he had to bend down to enter. 'Are you dressed and ready? Your Grandfather's almost finished.'

'Do I have to go?' he grumbled, then in a pleading tone asked, 'Can't I just stay at home?'

Eliot raised an eyebrow in amusement. 'Moaning already? Cheer up, it'll only be a few hours.'

'I still don't see why I have to go.' He sighed and scrunched his face in a tiny scowl. 'It's so boring, like always.'

'Because sometimes we have to do things we don't want to, Alexander,' said Eliot in a breezy tone, crossing his arms which caused his white shirt to tighten across his upper arms. 'Now, you only have a few minutes left, mind,' warned Eliot, 'your Grandfather doesn't like to be late. So when he calls, you come.'

Alexander nodded glumly, and Eliot left to go downstairs. He still didn't understand why he had to go. People only wanted to see and talk to his Grandfather anyway, not him. In every formal event, he would just be tailing Grandfather, tuning out tedious business conversations or small talk.

Alexander was peeved as he hadn't been allowed to visit Ron's house when the redhead invited him during their last letter; Grandfather told him that he could only go after this ministry event.

He reached up to tug at his bow tie, seeing as he couldn't touch his combed, slicked-back hair in case of ruining it. He had been wearing suits every time Grandfather hosted an event or attended one throughout his life. Part of Grandfather's role was knowing people and building relationships and this meant that Alexander was forced to attend as Grandfather's only living relative. He's worn formal clothing so many time that he knew how to wear a bow tie or secure a tie without Eliot assisting – it became second nature.

These stupid parties were a waste of time. The worst part about Grandfather's job was being invited to every little event that someone hosted. As Grandfather was well respected and wealthy, he was expected to attend every single one of them. Alexander hated going and being introduced to Grandfather's associates who sneered at his young age and inexperience in the world. They would never fully outright display it but Alexander could sense their spurious behaviours in a way where they would loudly praise him to Grandfather, which was evidently fake. If it were up to Alexander, he would choose to remain home with Eliot instead.

This evening's wear, however, was different from the usual suits. They were still expensive, of course, but they were dress robes, commonly worn in the wizarding community.

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