I 02 I A Chaotic Household

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A few days later, Grandfather finally informed Alexander that he could visit the Weasleys for the rest of the summer. Grandfather had sent a letter off to Mrs Weasley and she had accepted.

Alexander's trunk was neatly packed, and he carried it downstairs where his Grandfather was waiting in the living room. He was bouncing on his feet and felt like jumping in excitement, though reined himself in. He'd been waiting for this ever since Ron sent him an invitation and couldn't wait to see his friend and the twins again. It'll be so much fun. They'll play games and pranks, and Quidditch, and –

'You remember to be good, do you hear me, Alexander,' cautioned Grandfather, breaking him out of his flurry of animated thoughts. 'As I mentioned previously, I will be there to pick you up early on the first of September.' Grandfather offered one of his rare half-smiles. 'I can't miss dropping you off at Hogwarts, now can I?'

Alexander met his Grandfather's stern look and nodded. 'I will.'

'Good, I don't want any complaints from Mrs Weasley saying you've been causing trouble.'

Grandfather jerked his head to the fireplace, which was crackling with fresh flames in the early morning. Alexander frowned. Okay, that's weird. Why is there a fire in the morning? Their central heating worked perfectly.

'Now, pick up that pot from the mantlepiece – that's it.'

He tilted his head quizzically but Grandfather appeared deadly serious, nor was he the type of man to joke about anything. Were they not supposed to take the train or the car? The tiny ceramic pot he picked up was oval-shaped with a patterned design around it. The object had customarily sat on top of the fireplace for as long as he could remember and he had assumed that the pot was a decorative piece. He grasped it in his hands and peered down. The inside was strange with grey, glittering powder. He wondered if it would slide through his fingers like sand.

'Grandfather,' he stared up and in a puzzled tone asked, 'what exactly is this?'

'It's Floo Powder.' His Grandfather's tone was brisk and matter-of-fact as if Alexander were foolish for not recognising it sooner. A tad bit of annoyance flared up. How was he supposed to know that?

Alexander furrowed his brows. 'Yes, but what's it for?' He hoped his voice didn't sound impatient.

Grandfather eyed him for a moment before answering. 'It's used as a means for transportation through the Floo Network which is connected through fireplaces. Most wizarding households are connected through it.'

His interest was caught. 'Floo Network? What, connected like the Tube lines?'

'I suppose you can look at it that way,' remarked Grandfather thoughtfully. 'Though it's much quicker to travel, it's also dirtier.'

'How come you've never used it before?' he inquired curiously.

Grandfather grimaced. 'I don't particularly like, you may say, this method of travel. I try to avoid it when I'm able to.' He paused then admitted, 'Well, if you must know, I once fell into the wrong fireplace when I was a young boy. I ended up at a neighbouring house and they weren't particularly pleased as you can imagine.'

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