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-Damn it! Where is this thesis, where?

Anna looks through all the cabinets and drawers. She cannot find the CD with his thesis. She soon realizes that she forgot it at home."Oh! She was at home, of course. Oh, I'm seriously out of my mind." She said to himself.

-Hello Anna. Ha, you look nervous, no!

-Hi, Casy. My thesis was gone for 10 minutes. That's why it happened, I don't get angry. But now it's okay, yeah.

-Are you aware, Anna? You've been getting very distracted lately. Yes, the night shifts are killing you.

-Yeah, don't ask that at all. What should I do if I get a report?

-You know better, Anna. Whatever comes to your mind, do it.

-Oh my god. The storm has begun. How do I get back to my home now? Damn it.

-That your dissertation, was it only saved there?

-Sorry. My answer is yes.

-They takes 2 hours, the manager and assistants to get here.

-Casy, was it possible to get special permission from another person?

-Unfortunately, no, friend.

Tomorrow is Gloria's birthday. But the celebration would begin at nightfall. Everyone would act like they forgot about this day. Gloria's morale would have plummeted towards zero that night. However, his new Asian friend Nanat, whom she met on social media, could not stand it anymore, went to her and congratulated Gloria.

-But I'll give your present tomorrow night, Gloria. Be sure it will be a nice surprise.

-Okay, Nanat, we got a deal.

Strek was preparing to rob an apartment that he had been tracking for some time. The owner of the house had not left the home empty for two weeks. This would have brought Sterk almost to the point of attrition. Parties and days when the curtain was closed were not interrupted. Strek was often upset during this process. His nerves were also slightly impaired. He was as if he intended to burn the house down, for example.

Strek corresponded with Michael:

-Hey, Michael. That apartment on the back street, the one we haven't been able to enter for 15 days..

-O.K., I get it, Strek. But, believe me, our patience will pay off. My promise is a real promise.

-So, what happened to that girl, do friendliness with you? I think her name was Rebbie.

-As you know, but not as usual.

-Ya! Why then?

-She wants to be a partner in what I've been doing since he learned my main job. She has some crazy attempts.

-Well, do you know this? Rebbie was expelled from school.

-How so? I do not understand.

-There is nothing to understand, Michael. He's just a high schooler now.

-Why was he expelled from school? Because of that fight in the bathroom?

- That's right, Michael. The girl who was beaten seemed to have lost her mind. She is so battered. They took her to a mental health clinic in Quebec.

-I bet you're pretending, Strek.

-Don't tell him, ever. Oh those riches' kids..

-She sees dreams of Canadian citizenship now.

-This is really funny.

-What would happen if the cops saw our crypto-encrypted smartphones?

-I don't even think about it. Shut up I think. We have already found these phones difficult. We've got nothing else to manage, here.

-Sterk. I'm going to ask Rebbie about her expulsion from school. Because it's she, she never told me anything.

-Are you going to her house, Michael?

-Yes like that.

-I'm sleepy. Let's continue later! Have a good sleep.

-Okay, good night, Michael.

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