Part One: Chapter One

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Snow felt like it was falling peacefully onto whatever it could touch. Grasping onto whatever it lands on. But as much as it was peaceful, this current situation was not.

Troops surrounded the resident building, lights flashing on to shine the place, a helicopter flying about giving who or whatever is going to come out a spot light. A young man, steps out of the building, his clothes looked torn apart, and it looked like he was covered in some red substance.

"It's out, sir!" One of the troops said onto their radio.

"Is it human?" The radio responded, the trooper tried to take a look to see if it was indeed human or not. But with all the lights, the helicopter moving like crazy, and the snow, it was to hard to tell. "I can't tell, sir. I can't see clearly because of the snow"

With all this commotion, it woke up the deadly creatures lying beneath the thin blankets of snow. The young man still moved forward, stepping in the snow barefoot, his actions seemed defeated. Walking pass all the monsters awaking, he started to push his way through the snow, for it was starting to get deep and hard to step through.

"Moving in for closer visual." The troop said. The young man still pushed through the snow, non-stop.

"It looks human!"

"Visibility is compromised. Remain on standby until visual is confirmed." The radio said, the troops followed that command and stayed in place until they're theory was correct. "It keeps approaching, sir! What should we do?" The troop asked worried a bit. "Units on standby at the bridge. Standby to shoot." The young man continue to still move, a bit faster then before.

"Do not approach. If you don't stop, we will shoot." The troop yelled. " Alpha Team is ready, over. Snipers in position."

"Visual confirmed. Ready to fire."

The snow was endlessly falling while the young man was endlessly walking.


Gun shot fired into his shoulder, that seemed to wake up the other monsters. Gun shots rang out over and over again, hitting the young man, but yet he didn't seemed in pain or hurt in anyway. He still walked through it all coming to a stop finally. And staring at the troops with dark eyes, dark like the ink
from a pen. But I'm those dark eyes, they hide secrets and hide painful memories.


The weather was just sunny and clear. Two new residents have just started to moved. It didn't have much room but they were fine by the space and were fine living together as friends. Both of the new residents were friends since daycare, nothing seem to split them up. Hyun Soo, 19 years old, and basically depressed. When Y/n moved due to her fathers new promotion, he started to feel alone but he was social person and always there to help. Y/n promised Hyun Soo that she'll always call, text, and play games with him, to which she kept. Now able to live on her own she decided to live with Hyun Soo after his families death to keep him company and so they can hang out more.

Hyun Soo walking down the concrete stairs, holding a tv and a backpack full of stuff for the room. A man was cutting the long grass hardly seeing Hyun-Soo. One of the cutters of the machine hit a piece of concrete, flying all the way over to Hyun Soo and hitting the board behind him, barely hitting him. Hyun Soo looked shocked by how close the blade could have hit him.

"Oh my goodness." A voice said behind him. The machine turned off. " That was close." Hyun turned to see a man in a blue button down shirt, with a tie and a hat. "I don't know how that flew all the way over there." The man said curiously, lifting his hat just so his head can get a bit of air. "I'm sorry. This isn't my job." He confessed. "But they said nobody else could work on the weekends. People here think security guards are slaves or something..." the man said turned to his side a bit. Hyun still stayed quiet as the man went to grab the blade. He took the blade off of the wooden board and turned back to Hyun Soo.

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