Waiting To Dance

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~~Pain is pain. Aren't these cringy?~~

E#, G, B, B# to F. You played your instrument with the rest of the group as you longed to be the one who was whisked away on the marble floor. How jealous you were; the people of the castle danced away while you are only allowed to play. Your fingers shift up and down your instrument to play to correct notes. Oh how you wished you could be more than a part of the orchestral group...why could you not be born of noble? Why could you not be a maid? The maids were allowed fun as did the butlers so long as they served when needed. You watched longingly as you saw everyone dancing, talking, laughing...everything you were not. After hours and hours of playing eventually the guests left. Your arms and hands and fingers, all were exhausted. Though as everyone packed up and left for the night someone emerges from the shadows. It was just you and them. You looked surprised that they had stayed so late.

"I hast noticed the lonely look in your eyes as thou'st played. Shall I grace thy with a dance.?"

You smiled softly and walked over taking their hand. With that, you both slowly danced in the moonlight that shone through windows and balconies. Together in the dark you danced. No music was needed as you both hummed softly...perhaps tonight was not so bad after all..

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