The Waltz #1

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~~So this will be a little bit long but hopefully you'll enjoy it ;w;~~

           You cannot help but glance at the dark room. Was this not where you just were? Soon a light is shining dimly in the vast void...then another...and another. Soon thousands of candles lit up above your head on the crystal and gold chandeliers. Suddenly and quite softly, music began to play, the starts of violins, violas, cellos, flutes, trumpets. All of them. The marble floor glistening under the light of the twinkling, small, flickering flames. Flowers arranged around the rooms atop of holders. However still alone...until soft footsteps against the stone floor grow closer, swiftly yet, gently. A rich sounding voice comes from behind. Silky yet rich. Soft and hushed yet so sure.

"Would thou'st like to dance?"

As the music picks up you gracefully take their extended hand and began to dance, the night sky bright yet not as bright as the eyes of your partner. Spinning 'round and gliding across the ballroom you could only hope this wouldn't end. The music has taken you to your dreams and while dancing away, thousands of others have appeared all to join in the waltzing. Oh the joy! Oh the wonderful night! May this magnificent masquerade continue on forever!

Soon after the music dies down, the Rulers give a toast and announcement as everyone has their attention on them. You sneak away not really wanting to hear what they had to say. Someone takes notice and follows behind you unnoticed. It wasn't who you were dancing with...soon you were out on the many balconies that accompanied the grand ballroom. The night sky was dark yet bright, stars flickering just like the candles on the crystal chandeliers in the room right next to you. The silk curtains swayed in the soft breeze; it was cold but not enough to make you uncomfortable. The smell of the flowers within the garden below came up to you with the wind. Roses in the bushes, Daisies, Monkshood, Mint, Marigold. All smelled lovely...

The quiet footsteps came up stopping behind you, but you did not turn to see whom it was. Music arose from the grand ballroom and reached your ears, you hummed with it and finally turned to see who had followed you. However they wore a mask, much like many others, though they had not taken it off much to the disappointment of you. They offered their hand and reluctantly you took it. They had an Oleander on their attire...this came off in alarm to you and they noticed your sudden tense figure while the two of you danced.

"Why is thou'st afraid? Have I not been an acceptable dancer?"

You hesitate. How could you not? That flower and its meaning made you want to quickly escape. You asked their name in which their small smile began to widen into a grin, but not the gentle kind..

"...I am Oleander."

With that the cheers and clapping sounded at the end of the song. At the sound of applause they danced with you closer to the edge and picked you up in a twirl....dropping you over the edge. Your screams couldn't be heard over the thousands of people as you plummeted over 70 feet unto the rose bushes of thorns. You let out a mangled cry as your vision darkens to see an Oleander flower come down upon you. 


they mean Caution...

~~oooo spooky :3 I'll publish the next part soon >3> for now I shall write another story.~~

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