~~I might do one on each color if you guys want me to- let me know in the comments!~~

The winter weather bites at Anabelle...her gown brushing against the snow as she walked. Red splattered on her chest..her breath was seen in the chilled air as she breathed heavily. Anabelle was chased out not that long ago. It was all wrong...wrong!

"wrong wrong wroNG WRONG ITS WRONG!" She shouted to the empty woods as creatures ran from the loud noise. She sobbed and looked at herself that reflected in the frozen pond she had reached. Red....such a vibrate color. It was so romantic..red roses, a pair of red shoes. Red was a color for love..

The cold was numbing...

Anabelle was chased out. She was next to her love...staring at his unmoving eyes. His hand was in her own..she cradled him so dearly close.

Red....it was all over him...

The doors open as they see her next to her dead husband.

They point.

They shout

They scream...

She ran..

She stared at her once pure white gloves and then the red path behind her..

She backed up onto the ice..it cracked..

It shattered like glass..

Red....its such a beautiful color...isn't it?

~~What is your favorite color? :3 This was for Valentines Day~~

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