The Waltz 2

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~~Dont really got music for this....but I'm sure thats fine right?~~

They looked down at you, a prominent smile on their features as you bid the world adieu against the true wishes of your being. This was just the beginning. They scoffed at the thought of someone stopping him. He then turns to return to the Grand Ballroom; his eyes immediately going to the next target...the Princess. She had left him alone, that promise as children had crumbled into ashes and stomped upon the dirty, muddy, pathetic back of his younger self. She, and her alone, had crushed whatever hope he had. Lost into the deep sea of the Sorrowland's island. The boat had sunken, taking his last bit of light with it. The song of the orchestra turned intense, they had a choir chanting together, men and women singing as they knew the songs they've been taught so many times as if nothing was wrong. Thousands joined in. No one would care if someone walked by, no one knew of the fact you had passed away in the Castle's Garden 70 feet below their feet. It was only one who was gone. No one would notice one less dancing among the thousands that were there one but the Reaper whom took your soul that night

They go up to the guard and gesture for him to address the Princess. The Royal Guard looks over to the Princess and bows while explaining that this unknown man wished to speak. She allows it and rises from her seat, she approaches the stranger. She asks what they wanted

"I had only wish to dance with thee, My Dear Princess. Shall we?"

She smiles at how smooth the man was with his tongue and decides to put on airs. She found him quite funny...a mistake she had just made and sealed with her gently placing her hand into the Reaper's. Oleander guilds her to the center of the Ballroom. All eyes on them and space made for elaborate twirls, lifts, spins and waltzing. Unbeknownst to all but a single soul who watched from above; the Princess was dancing with the Reaper, a dance of her last and of her death.

The music starts slowly as always, soft but to grow louder. The pair's footsteps going quite beautifully. She smiles and decides to question the mysterious person she had unknowingly sealed her fate to. They answered vaguely which only made her all the more curious...they continued their waltz with high lifts and spins, waltzing in circles for what seemed like endless time as she began to focus more on him. She asks why they seemed familiar despite his mask on

"The Louts is quite exquisite in the moonlight would not thou agree with thy word of approval? My Princess, would not thou agree?"

She remembered, those words were spoken so long ago..the music stops and they bow to each other...only for him to kiss her, walk away, and part to the balcony where he had taken a life...and another was about to slip away

"...would not thou agree..that thou'st said thou'd betrothed to me and me alone?"

Cries sounded after around 10 minutes. The Princess felt fine despite her extremely white, pale skin turning to the color of the sheets of her luxurious bed. The orchestra played still per quest of the King and Queen, the Prince had taken charge of the Grand Ballroom as the two higher Royals attended to their daughter's side whom had collapsed into a heap on the floor. She could only stare at her parents who tried to calm her weak body that couldn't hold her up. The music, how sickening, playing music to have others dancing while only the thousands watched the Princess arrive at the corner stone to be condemned to her death. The King shouts to find the last people she had talked to or danced with as the music continues onward despite the horrendous scene that laid for everyone

"Father....please...I feel quite alright..let me just retire to my chambers, I do not wish to lay upon the marble floor....the music is too loud...too grand.."

The King ignored her, he has always ignored his children, after all he had a title of a kind but ruthless King. At this moment, a tune had settled...Swan Lake...oh how cruel this world was, playing her favorite, playing thy'n sweet sounding theme for her to hear before she must be disappearing into thy'n Reaper's cold cruel hand. Oh how it was so the Op. 20 of act ii. How she wished to dance..she closed her eyes letting her soul dance instead

~~Please let me know if you like the stories! ^^; I'm nervous that I'm not doing that good of a job..~~

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